Friday, March 30, 2018

I know, I know, Just More Of...Continuously... Not... Spring....

What do you when it continues to be "Not Spring"?

Hang out with awesome people and repeat after me....

The frost on the trees is still pretty..the frost on the trees is still pretty... the frost on the trees is still pretty...repeat until the snow melts...

Yup, you guessed it, the final days of March and tonight, overnight, we will have a windchill of -30C.

It's really kinda sucky, but spring can't be too far off, right? Right?!

Moving on.......

The March for Our lives.....

The more information I gather from news sources here in Canada, the US, the UK and other parts of the world, the more impressed I am with the young people of this planet.

Maybe this will be the generation that will actually forge a path to some semblance of peace. Maybe this will be the generation that finds solutions. They are fearless, they are fierce, they are tireless, they are savvy, they are intelligent, they are articulate, they are still in their teens.

I'm not really surprised by these impressive young humans as I think kids tend to be underestimated all of the time.

What I do find surprising, however, is the visceral, venomous reactions from some full-fledged adults. Some adults seem to be making it their mission to villainize these kids. If they aren't villainizing, they are attempting to make them seem smaller, less important.They could give classes on classic bullying.

I just can't seem to wrap my head around how, as an adult, you can go after kids like.

Some have gone so far as to call the survivors of the school shooting in Florida, "actors."

These kids are pleading for the right to attend school safely, begging the adults that run things to find a way to make that happen. They are grieving the loss of their friends and schoolmates. They are standing up for past victims and survivors, trying desperately to do what they can to ensure they are the last. They already aren't the last.

Why are these "adults" so terrified of these kids? What are they saying or doing that is so sinister? They just want to go to school without fear. That doesn't seem so outrageous to me.

Your biggest worries in school should be about your grades, your friends, and who likes who. It doesn't sound like it should be that complicated, or that they are asking for all that much.


Well, that about does it for now,

May you win this battle that shouldn't be, for you should not have to fight to learn without threat.
May those that have somehow found an opposite side to this, CHILDREN are dead, don't allow yourself to forget.

May you, little one, once again wear your light up shoes, with no fear of being seen by the gunman's keen eye.
May you, those afraid to stand up, wipe this terror from the thoughts of those too young to understand the why.

May kids, once again just be allowed to go to school, growing up is already really rough.
May you see they shouldn't have to fight for the privilege, the time is now, Enough is Enough.


Sunday, March 25, 2018

Walk With The Confidence To Fail.....


Okay just a reminder to my fellow snow dwellers, this is what the world looks like when it isn't covered with that seemingly endless white stuff. You know, the time that usually shows up weeks after Calendar Spring, Actual Spring.

In case you no longer recognize the objects captured in these images, allow me to refresh your memory.

The top two feature something referred to as flowers. They are usually quite colourful with some known to emit a pleasant fragrance. Different variations of these wonderful blossoms seem to be enhanced with mystifying powers. They have been known to brighten rooms, cheer a foul mood and encourage early releases from dog houses. Their clipped counterparts also have been utilized in decorating the hands, wrists, and lapels of countless brides, grooms, and prom dates. Their spent pedals, then, sometimes dehydrated and pressed between the pages of a heavy book,  tiny, fragile whispers of the blooms they once were, still with the strength to carry the grandest of memories.

The third photo features what is generally known as a deck with deck type furniture. In the snowless weeks between winter and the next winter, this is where we generally scorch/cook and share our food and drink with family, friends and an exciting assortment of flying, crawling and biting creatures looking for their share. This space also contains mystical powers of a sort. This table and surrounding chairs have the ability to turn frowns into smiles, then, into laughter. This assemblage of glass and metal have the ability to soak up stress, create silliness, and inspire water fights.

The star of the final photo is what we like to call, a leaf. The most basic, precious symbol of hope. The delicate beginnings of its tiniest sprouts signal the promise of long, warm days filled with bike rides, bonfires, and trips to the lake. Upon reaching maturity, the leaf becomes the provider of shade and shelter, the musical plaything for every summer breeze, the seasonal predictor, and indicator of the beginning of the end of our hiatus from winter.

These photos represent what awaits us on the other side of the snowbank. Hang in there. We're close.


So, because I have an amazing friend who is kind enough to think of me when good fortune comes her way, I had the honour of spending an evening with some pretty incredible women one of which was Michelle Obama.

It was interesting to hear about her time in the Whitehouse and some of the challenges of raising their young girls in the fishbowl that comes with it. The struggles of trying to provide some sense of normalcy while simultaneously taking the obligations that go along with being the First Lady very seriously.

My take away from the evening?

As women, we need to give ourselves permission to not be perfect. We need to give ourselves permission to ask for help. We need to give ourselves permission to say no. We need to give ourselves permission to not internalize other people's opinions,

We need to walk this earth with the confidence to fail like a man. Fail, and not attach it to our worth, but rather just treat it as something that didn't work, learn from it, and move on.

It's always awesome to hear the perspective of someone who lives a life so different from our own. Although we can only ever see life through our own lens, live it through our own filtres, it's invaluable to walk alongside someone else's shoes, even if it's only for a short while.


Thank you all for your overwhelming response to last week's ramblings. You never know where your words will land, you simply hope they land softly. Thank you for finding and holding on to the light.


Until next time...

May the thoughts of the Spring to come, carry you over the snow.
May the increased warmth of the sun follow you wherever you go.

May you soon be occupying the blue-skied space beyond your walls without the need of a coat.
May you soon find the swift-moving aftermath of a melted bank on which to race your paper boat.

May you trade in your ski pants for splash pants, and your mukluks for rubber boots.
May you trade in the slowcooker soups, for things with dirt still clinging to their roots.


Thursday, March 15, 2018

If We Don't Hear The Whisper...Scream


 I try to approach life with positivity.

Yes, bad things happen, at times, life can be a huge stress-filled ball of anxiety weighing in at at least 3 tonnes.

Within the past seven days, the world lost another light at the hands of mental illness. I know he was far from the only one, and that is why I feel the need to write this.

This young man was part of a family I used to babysit for in high school. They lived a heartbeat away, our families intertwined in a hundred different ways.

I know there are those out there that still attach some sort of shame to suicide, as though it is an act of cowardice, or selfishness. The whispers of shame need to stop. Suicide is simply the form death takes in way too many cases of mental illness, just as a heart attack claims the majority of those with heart disease. But, like we have learned to save more with heart impairments, we need to put more resources toward giving those that struggle with mental illness an equal chance at a good life.

People who live with depression, bipolar disorders, and a myriad of other mental illnesses, are some of the most courageous people I have the honour of knowing. They fight every day to see the world in a way most of us take for granted.

Although I can never really stand in your shoes to see the world from your perspective, there are some things I want you to know,

For those who find themselves swallowed by darkness, unable to feel any light, please hear me.

We are NOT better off without you.

You are NOT a burden.

We care. Even when, especially when you can't see it. We love you and care for you.

We make mistakes. We don't always, or maybe ever, have the right words. If you only knew how much we wish we did.

We would NEVER get over it and move on. We love you too much for that to ever happen.

Reach for us. If we don't hear the whisper, scream. Before the darkness completely encompasses, scream, with the thunderous agony from the depths of your aching soul, scream. Someone will hear.

Given time, although it seems completely impossible, things WILL get better, not perfect, but better. Sometimes better is pretty good.

Know that you are a precious part of who we are. You are worth all of it, everything. Always. We love you.

Oh, how I wish there were an implant, like, say, a pacemaker, that would help the mind correct itself whenever it speeds up or slows down to a dangerous level. How I wish there was a one size fits all medication that would adapt to any one person's situation. How I wish for some kind of medical miracle in the field of mental illness.

How I wish for you to see you as we do, our precious, unique, incredible, brave, strong light.


That's about all I have for today.

For those who struggle........

May you find a glimmer, a pinpoint, a reflection of light, and let us help it to grow.
May you see that you're value isn't defined by your disease, please understand this, please know.

May you find a way to forgive us for our words, our actions, our so completely imperfect echoes.
May you see beyond our misguided turns of phrase, and see the eyes that care, the arms that enclose.

May you find it within you to battle, if not for you, do it for us, find a way to reach a new dawn.
May you find the strength to weather the storms, for it would break us if you were gone.


Friday, March 9, 2018

Women, We Are Enough.....


The last few days have been a bit significant for me. There were a few things to celebrate.

I have so many people to thank, please indulge me.

First, this week, I turned 52. I was overwhelmed, in the best sense of the word, by messages, phone calls, texts, and face to face well wishes. Each passing birthday reminds me of how lucky I am to be here, how privileged I am to walk this earth, even if it's with the accompaniment of aches and pains that weren't there last year. There are far too many, younger than I, from whom this privilege has been taken. There are far too many who are desperately fighting for the chance to stay. For me to even entertain the thought of complaining would be a slap in the face of their memories and fortitude.
Yes, I'm 52. I've earned every year, and would trade none, for each has had a hand in bringing me to where I am. Worth every wrinkle.

Then, because of all of you, these ramblings have hit a bit of a milestone. It's a milestone that probably will mean little, or nothing, to anyone other than myself, but it's a milestone, all the same. The powers that be keep a tally of how many times these ramblings are read and the countries from which the perusers reside. They track how many in a day, a week, a month and a running total of readers. Thanks to all of you, the 65000 mark is now history. It's important to me that you understand how it truly honours and humbles me every single week, that you take the time to read the words I put to the page. Please know that is never lost on me. Thank you.

Last, but, by no means, least, this week included the celebration of International Women's Day.
It's a great time to celebrate women, both in history and in the present day who have made, and continue to make huge strides toward where we need to be.

It's also a great time to celebrate the women who have influenced, and continue to influence our lives more directly. Those who have never made and likely never will make the headlines.

For me, the women from whom I descend were and are examples of strength and fortitude. They had to overcome more by the time they turned 30 than a lot of us will in a lifetime. Were they perfect? Of course not, but that simply makes their lives that much more extraordinary.

The women with whom I am contemporaries. They demonstrate the vast varieties of lives there are to live. That each has its ups and downs. That each has merit and value. That living your life according to the opinion of others is a waste of time. That we still carry the strength and fortitude of our foremothers.

The women of future generations. You fill me with hope of what is yet to be. You are finding your voice in a way that history has never seen. The world and workplaces of freedom and equality are within your grasp. You now carry the torch with us, feed the flame, and keep it burning bright. Strength and fortitude run in your veins.

Women. We are warriors. There is nothing beyond our abilities. We deserve every success and every happiness. We are strong enough to show our tears. We are brave enough to show our fears. We are fierce enough to fight. We are enough.


Well, that about does it for now.....

May you celebrate the fact that you are here.
May you celebrate, without hesitation or fear.

May you celebrate your choices, for they have put you where you are.
May you celebrate your voices, in all of their tones, for they will carry you far.

May you celebrate that you are equal parts gentle and tough.
May you celebrate always, every day, that you are enough.

Until next week.....

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Don't Be The Mr. Bean!!!


So this is what the day looks like where I live. The blowing snow doesn't show up very well on camera, which is too bad, really, because, even though winter has been plenty long enough, and I, for one, am completely ready for spring, it's kinda pretty.

Hopefully, this is the last storm before Spring makes her presence known. Hopefully.

Mother Nature seems to be spreading storms of varying degrees all over the place, this weekend.


I'm thinking it just might be a day or so of movies, reading, and snuggling on the couch with a cup of tea.

Could be worse, but it could quit wintering any time now.

I know other parts of the world are getting hit a lot harder than we are, stay safe and take care!


Twitter wars.

They can be vicious, mean and make you wonder if some people are even capable of any level of insight or compassion.
Baffling, horrible accusations get thrown around like they are nothing.
Courageous as all hell, as they hide behind their keyboard.

These are the people who seem to make it their mission to try and tear others down. Creating or expanding complete untruths for the sole purpose causing pain.

Then, there are the funny twitter wars.

By funny, I mean when one of these keyboard warriors goes on the attack, only to find that they have entered a war of wits wherein they are tragically outgunned.

These are the people that think they have come up with something so scathing, so hurtful, so devastating that the recipient will have no choice but to curl up in a corner and cower. They then aim this brilliance at someone and hit their "enter'  button like a trigger.

I have to say, it gives me incredible pleasure when the intended victim strikes back with such intelligence and, more often than not, humor, that the person who started the whole thing hasn't the ability to retaliate in any real way. Their keyboard courage quickly spins into the fear that their witlessness will be brought centre stage, and put under the best and brightest spotlight for all the world to see.

 Mr. Bean picking a fight with Bruce Lee.


Well, that about does it for now, time to go watch Telemiracle! Google it, it's awesome!

May you take a second before shooting your words into the universe, thinking how they may land.
May you pause, imagine your target is your child, would your message still have this heavy hand?

May you make the effort to be kind, for your words will always find their way back to you.
May you be sure, as your finger hovers over the trigger, you're not the Mr. Bean in this scenario.


Until next time....