Thursday, March 15, 2018

If We Don't Hear The Whisper...Scream


 I try to approach life with positivity.

Yes, bad things happen, at times, life can be a huge stress-filled ball of anxiety weighing in at at least 3 tonnes.

Within the past seven days, the world lost another light at the hands of mental illness. I know he was far from the only one, and that is why I feel the need to write this.

This young man was part of a family I used to babysit for in high school. They lived a heartbeat away, our families intertwined in a hundred different ways.

I know there are those out there that still attach some sort of shame to suicide, as though it is an act of cowardice, or selfishness. The whispers of shame need to stop. Suicide is simply the form death takes in way too many cases of mental illness, just as a heart attack claims the majority of those with heart disease. But, like we have learned to save more with heart impairments, we need to put more resources toward giving those that struggle with mental illness an equal chance at a good life.

People who live with depression, bipolar disorders, and a myriad of other mental illnesses, are some of the most courageous people I have the honour of knowing. They fight every day to see the world in a way most of us take for granted.

Although I can never really stand in your shoes to see the world from your perspective, there are some things I want you to know,

For those who find themselves swallowed by darkness, unable to feel any light, please hear me.

We are NOT better off without you.

You are NOT a burden.

We care. Even when, especially when you can't see it. We love you and care for you.

We make mistakes. We don't always, or maybe ever, have the right words. If you only knew how much we wish we did.

We would NEVER get over it and move on. We love you too much for that to ever happen.

Reach for us. If we don't hear the whisper, scream. Before the darkness completely encompasses, scream, with the thunderous agony from the depths of your aching soul, scream. Someone will hear.

Given time, although it seems completely impossible, things WILL get better, not perfect, but better. Sometimes better is pretty good.

Know that you are a precious part of who we are. You are worth all of it, everything. Always. We love you.

Oh, how I wish there were an implant, like, say, a pacemaker, that would help the mind correct itself whenever it speeds up or slows down to a dangerous level. How I wish there was a one size fits all medication that would adapt to any one person's situation. How I wish for some kind of medical miracle in the field of mental illness.

How I wish for you to see you as we do, our precious, unique, incredible, brave, strong light.


That's about all I have for today.

For those who struggle........

May you find a glimmer, a pinpoint, a reflection of light, and let us help it to grow.
May you see that you're value isn't defined by your disease, please understand this, please know.

May you find a way to forgive us for our words, our actions, our so completely imperfect echoes.
May you see beyond our misguided turns of phrase, and see the eyes that care, the arms that enclose.

May you find it within you to battle, if not for you, do it for us, find a way to reach a new dawn.
May you find the strength to weather the storms, for it would break us if you were gone.
