Friday, September 28, 2018

Remove Your Hand From Our Mouths And Hear Us....

In the act, you work to stifle our screams, thereafter, you work to stifle our voice.

Remove your hand from our mouths and hear us...

When we tell you what happened to us, it exposes us.

It exposes us again, ripping open the soul-crushing wounds first inflicted at his hands.

Most times, we don't tell authorities, after all, it's our word against his. It's not like he did it in front of witnesses, it's not like he'll admit it.

Most times, we don't tell anyone. We have an innate instinct to somehow make it our fault. We must have been wearing the wrong thing, sending some sort of unintentional signal, went somewhere alone, went out at night, went for a run in a park. We wear the shame that was forced upon us, it's a heavy cloak of thorns we carry upon our shoulders.

If we do work up the courage to speak, if we are trusting you enough to tell you, hear us. Listen to us. Believe us. We wouldn't go through the pain of stripping our souls bear to pursue an untruth.

We know all too well the consequences that can come with speaking our truth. History has taught us well. We know we are looked at as a smear on his reputation. He's such a good guy. He's successful, he's good-looking, he's a track star, he's fill-in-the-blank. None of any of this means he is incapable of doing what he has done.

There are more of us than you know. We are your mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters and friends. We are the mostly silent warriors walking with the scars of mistrust, anxiety, and claustrophobia. These being the least of our wounds. Some of us come to suffer from depression, PTSD, eating disorders, addictions, and other forms of self-harm. Some of us simply don't survive.

Resist the urge to dismiss our voice, brushing it aside because we can't "prove" it. Resist the urge to reject our voice because we didn't tell right away. The paralyzing fear and humiliation that accompanies the telling, the courage it takes to do it anyway, deserves better, deserves sincere respect.

If you are among the privileged few who have been entrusted with someone's precious truth, tell them you believe them, and mean it.

We are failing our daughters because we are failing our sons.

There are some that still balk at teaching boys that empathy is strength, that nurturing is masculine, that a real man is sensitive, gentle and kind. They hesitate to teach that real courage is found in doing what is right, even if it's hard.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford,

No matter what happens now, you were undoubtedly, by far, the most courageous person in that room. Your strength has reverberated further than you may ever really know, and will continue to do so long after the suits make their choices.

I heard you.

I believe you.


In the act, you work to stifle our screams, thereafter, you work to stifle our voice.

Remove your hand from our mouths and hear us...


May you remember that no matter where you are, or the time of day, they have no right.
May you know no matter what you wear, or what you drink, they have no right.

May you know no matter how you dance, or how you walk, they have no right.
May you see that no matter how you smile, or toss your hair, they have no right.

May you know, no matter if you are running, or sunbathing nude, they have no right.
May you remember no matter if you left your drink unattended, they have no right.

May you see that after a steak dinner, they have no right.
May you know that after unlimited dates, they have no right.

May you know that even after "I love you", they have no right.
May you see that even after a ring has landed, they have no right.

May you know that after an hour of foreplay, they have no right.
May you understand utterly and completely, they.. have.. no.. right.

May you see and understand, sir, you have no right, you may only ever enjoy the privilege with her complete consent.
May you see and understand, sir, even if culture screams in your ear otherwise, you have no right, none, her body, her choice, no is said, no is meant.


Friday, September 21, 2018

Do You Want To Build A Snowman???.....Ummmm.....Nope


Okay, I was pretty ready to sink my teeth into the whole Ford vs. Kavanaugh thing that is taking place a bit South of the 49th parallel.

It still might happen, the night is young, and I'm only a few lines in.

Anyway, I was pretty ready, then, I drove home.

Ahhhhhh, the last day of summer...

What better way to end the season than with a good old-fashioned snow storm?!

I know that I live in a climate where the air wants to flash freeze your lungs for a larger portion of the calendar year than seems humane.

I know I live where the wind can carry off a small child more days than it can't.

I know I live where you really can get frostbite and a sunburn on the same day.

Knowing all of this doesn't generally make it easier to accept snow in summer.

Just sayin'...

On the upside, the forecast is calling for October to be mild, and awesome, and warm, and sunny, and unicorns are going to migrate here for the winter.

You pick which sounds most fictional,

I really don't mean to sound whiny, as I know, as I do these other things, that there are others around the world surviving weather and its aftermath on a horrific scale.

Even knowing all of this, (and according to the fortune cookie that was the dessert to a leftover Chinese food brunch this morning, my wisdom is infinitely profound) I can't help but settle on the following conclusion.

Snow, at any point during the summer, sucks.

You're Welcome.

Now about this Ford/Kavanaugh thing...

First, I can't imagine a scenario in which someone would put themselves in the position of receiving death threats and harassment to the point they have to relocate their family, for a lie or for something they are unsure of.

Second, I can't imagine a scenario in which a person trying to carry out an elaborate lie would subject themselves to a polygraph test.

Third, I can't imagine a scenario in which a person who is trying to perpetuate a lie would beg for the FBI to investigate their allegations.

Fourth, I know, and so do countless other women, that when someone is holding you down with their body weight, crushing you, one hand over your mouth, the other trying to strip away your clothes and your soul, you don't forget the face. You don't forget who it was. You don't forget.

Fifth, I can't imagine a scenario in which someone who is capable of perpetuating an attempted rape, at any age, under any degree of inebriation, isn't also capable of denying it. What exactly would you expect him to say?

If you take away the fact that the guy accused of doing this is up for one of the best gigs in the country, if you strip away his privilege, are you as skeptical of his guilt?

If you take away the fact that she is a professor from California, if she is your daughter, your sister, your wife, your Mom, are you as skeptical of her?

When you strip away all of the noise that tries to drown it out, all of the political push and pull, when you strip it down and think back to a high school party in the early 80's, where booze was flowing, and not a parent is in sight, what do you see?


May the warmth come back before we have to face that long stretch of cold.
May we get another chance for t-shirts, and flip-flops, and find little stands where lemonade is sold.

May we get a bit longer to soak in the sun even as its daily visits have begun to wander toward brevity.
May we have a few more boat rides, and bonfires surrounded by friends, s'mores, songs, and levity.

May we get to enjoy an autumn that longs to linger, that hangs out for a while, that stays at least until the calendar declares it's winter.
May Autumn be a leisurely stroller, a marathon baby stepper, a lollygagging doddler, not a record-breaking sprinter.


until next time 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

And Then It Rained....


And then it rained.

First and foremost I want to send all kinds of positive thoughts to all out there who are fighting their way through these horrible storms that seem to be plaguing the earth, as of late.

My greatest hope is that you get to the other side of this still holding the hands of those you hold dear. I can't even pretend to know what you are going through. Please take care.


Although the weather we will be dealing with tomorrow at Word On The Street Festival is basically a joke, and won't carry with it even a minute fraction of the havoc that these reals storms produce, it is going to present a few challenges.

There is a good chance that it could rain. I know that sounds pretty lame right now, but it can pose a bit of a problem when you are going to be outside all day with piles and piles of books. It's going to be a little tricky, but my hubby and I are working on a few different ideas to keep posters and books intact without making our booth look like the site of a disorganized yard sale.

All in all, a pretty cushy problem to have.

Pretty sure we'll survive.


In conclusion, I would like to share a few pearls of wisdom from my favourite two-year-old--

Big girl panties should be designed with POCKETS!!!! Finding the pockets lacking in said panties make a twenty-minute meltdown completely reasonable.

The Mommies in books who wear their shoes in the house have no manners.

Watching a washing machine "rain" is a perfectly acceptable form of entertainment.

One should always be allowed to watch two movies simultaneously, and always in two different rooms.

You're Welcome.


May the rains subside and the clouds clear, your sky, once again, shine brilliantly blue.
May you find all the support and help you need to get you through.

May you once again find yourselves within your home, surrounded by your familiar walls.
May you find yourself in a peaceful place as the last raindrop falls.


Come and check out Word On The Street Tomorrow on Broadway in Saskatoon!

See you there!   

Friday, September 7, 2018

An Awesome Sampling Of Humanity!


Well, kids are officially back in school, the first frost warnings have hit the airways, and the Fall tradeshow season has begun!

 I'm not sure you could find a much better way to meet incredible people than traveling and participating in the tradeshow circuit.

You meet the warmest, most fascinating, creative, and entrepreneurial minds. You meet the bakers, the makers, the risk-takers, and small business shakers. You meet the serious shoppers, the booth hoppers, and the sample poppers.

It's an awesome sampling of humanity.

There are thousands of these types of shows that go on all around the world.

If you are one of the many that put in the miles, hours of effort, and painstaking labour necessary to participate, soldier on. There are shows where the profit is not money. The profit, instead, comes in the contacts and friendships made, and the future opportunities cultivated.

If you are someone who is toying with the idea of purchasing a booth, but are unsure for a plethora of reasons, find a small show and dip your toe. If nothing else, it will be an inexpensive way to run a marketing focus group. On the other hand, you may be sitting on the goldmine you dreamed you were! Likely, your experience will fall somewhere in the middle.

If you are a shopper, Thank You!

If you are entertaining the idea of heading out to one of these events, give it a shot. You are bound to find something you never knew you needed.

Where else can you have the experience of buying a piece of jewelry, some clothing, or a book, and actually get to interact with the very person who created it?

So, if you see a flyer, or an event pops up on your FaceBook page about a show that will be taking place in your neck of the woods this Fall, do yourself the favour of putting it on your calendar and checking it out, you won't be sorry!

With that in mind, time for a plug for the Word On The Street Festival! You can check out the details on their FaceBook event page and on the website

I'll have a booth, and will be there selling and signing books!


Until next time......

May you find the courage to share your treasures with the masses,
May you take the chance, with time, the uncertainty passes.

May you find the medium that allows your creativity to truly shine.
May you unleash your imagination, let it soar, no rules, no limits, colour outside the lines.

Check it out!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

For The Big Brown Eyes...


With August drawing to a close, and September stretching her golden arms to embrace us, a person can't help but let their thoughts drift to the upcoming school year.

Although I, personally, haven't had kids in the school system for quite some time, I now have grandbabies who are wading into their educational journeys, with countless recesses, spelling tests, and number 2 pencils in their foreseeable futures.

Along with learning about weather, decimals, what makes plants green, and dangling participles, this is where they will first learn how to make and cultivate friendships outside of family and/or daycare.

This, sadly, is also very likely the place where they will first experience exclusion, racism, and bullying, in its many forms.

"People hate people who are brown or black."

Where would a six-year-old get this impression?  Kindergarten.

Where would the little ones who spew this garbage get it from?  They absorb it from their surroundings,. Just like they imitate gestures and mannerisms, they soak in attitudes and beliefs.

That there can, in this age of limitless fingertip information providing the ability to research virtually every different culture of the world, still be those among us that choose to be ignorant to the fact that no one shade of human is superior to another, is utterly beyond me.

If you don't know better by now, it's a choice. If you are choosing to perpetuate that ignorance on to the littles in your life, that, my friends, is just every kind of wrong.

Judge people on their merit. Judge them by how they treat others. If you feel you must judge, then judge on the things that speak to who they are.

Making decisions about what kind of person someone may be by the tint of their skin, their hairstyle, how many tattoos they do or don't have, their height, weight, the labels on their clothes, their vehicle, or lack thereof, or any other superficial nonsense, is just that, nonsense.

It's unbelievable that in 2018, this crap still goes on. But, it does, and as long as it does, we have to acknowledge it, stand up to it, throw a light on it, and unteach these racist attitudes.

Teach your littles to be good friends, to be kind, to be generous, to be inclusive, to have empathy. Let's show their generation how to be better than ours.

Let's create a place where big, brown, sad eyes, perched upon the chubby cheeks of a six-year-old no longer have to shed tears that fall because of ignorant words. Words delivered through the mouths of babes, but planted and cultivated by those charged with the responsibility of teaching them right from wrong.


For the Big Brown Eyes.....

May you cherish the gorgeous hue of your skin, as it exquisitely wraps the beautiful gift that you are.
May you discover quickly, that those who live through a warped filter are few, not worthy of your thought.

May you come to understand that every colour of the rainbow is needed, or it ceases to be.
May you find friends worthy of your kind and gentle soul, don't fear, you'll find them, you'll see.

May you embrace who you are, for you are so precious, so amazing, so many love you, from near and far.
May you cherish the gorgeous hue of your skin, as it exquisitely wraps the beautiful gift that you are.


Check out! I'll be at Word On The Street in Saskatoon Sunday, Sept 16! On Broadway in Saskatoon.

Until next time...