Well folks, had another interesting week with "Lexi."
Monday's Christmas in July fundraiser for our local library went pretty well. We served about 75 people a wonderful home made turkey dinner with all the trimmings, and managed to raise some money in the process.
I did a reading of Lexi between dinner and dessert. A lot of people in a very big space, and about 80% adults! Yikes! I chalk it up to yet another time "Lexi" has taken me waaaayyyyy out of my comfort zone and again I live to tell the tale. lol
Tuesday's reading in Rosetown, on the other hand, was intimate and small with kids close enough that it almost felt like I was back on the floor in my living room, just telling stories to all my munchkins!
Wednesday I had the reading in Dinsmore. My first evening reading, and it was great. A pretty good mixture of both kids and adults. I did acquire an 18 month old assistant at this reading, she was very proficient at helping to turn the pages! There's something I have noticed, especially when reading to women of the older generation. A nostalgic smile slips onto their face and kind of just rests there for the duration of the story. It seems like the book brings back good memories for them. Whether it's their children or themselves as children they are thinking about I don't know. Either way it's nice to see.
Came home to a message on my phone on Thursday. Tunes and Trinkets needed some more books. They had sold the ones they had and have people phoning requesting a copy! It blows me away every time I stop to think for a second that people are actually, buying, reading, and wanting my book!
I can't help but get a little emotional every time I think of a toddler, fresh from their bath, and tucked into bed, with Mom or Dad or both snuggled in for a story and it's "Lexi." It just makes my heart smile.
I did come across somewhat of a problem this week. Although, don't get me wrong, I am in no way complaining. The situation is this; I called my printer on Monday to put in another order for more copies of "Lexi." Imagine my surprise when I heard the answering machine tell me that they are closed for holidays until Aug. 3rd! I'm really hoping I have enough to cover my Outlook reading and then can get a rush shipment in time for Kindersley! It's making me nervous, but there is really nothing I can do about it until Aug. 3rd!
Last, but not least, the wedding we played last night. It was one of the most informal, funny, simple, beautiful, genuine, heartfelt weddings I've ever had the privilege of attending. The crowd was about 75 strong and there strictly to have a great time. It was an honor to be part of it. Oh, and we put on a kick butt show once again, if I do say so myself! lol
Now for the upcoming week;
I don't have any readings booked for this week. This wasn't intentional, but turns out ok, considering my current inventory situation! lol
I do have a call scheduled with the distributor I told you about last week on Wednesday. Hopefully that goes well. I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing. But, I guess, it's just another uncomfortable thing I will live to tell about next week! God willing!
Until next week!
"Lexi's Magic Clothes" is currently available:
McNally Robinson Booksellers in Saskatoon
Milbanke's (both locations) in North Battleford
Crandleberry's in North Battleford
Paisley and Polkadots in North Battleford
Our Drug Store in Unity
Prairie Rose Floral and Gifts in Kindersley
Jacq'y Jaye's Gifts and Beyond in Outlook
Tunes and Trinkets in Rosetown
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Keep Your Fingers Crossed!
Well, this week has been interesting, to say the least.
Let's see, I had an impromptu radio interview, which, I have to admit, was pretty exciting. I put a proposal together for a national distributor and got that sent away, pretty exciting. I received my second shipment of "Lexi," and am going to need to order another right away, also really exciting.
I was having morning coffee on the phone with my mom on Wednesday, just like we do every Wednesday, when someone called on my other line, I didn't recognize the number so I told my mom I should get it and would call her back. Well, to my surprise it was a reporter from CJYM radio, wanting to do an interview.
I have discovered a little something about myself through the process of doing the interviews I've done so far. I like the spur of the moment ones better. That way, I don't have the time to over think and get so nervous.
Anyway, the interview went pretty well, I think. I don't know when it will air, didn't think to ask. Hopefully, I didn't come across like a total dim wit! Keep your fingers crossed!
National? Maybe, keep your fingers crossed.
Through some research, I discovered a national book distributor that likes to work with independents like myself. So, I sent them a proposal with a copy of the book, marketing plan, etc. and in a few weeks will find out whether or not they will take up "Lexi's" cause, and help her get from shore to shore. Man, I wish I was better at waiting! Gonna be a long few weeks!
The second shipment of "Lexi" showed up safe and sound and just in time. But, after doing a couple of more reading/signings, I am discovering how fast they disappear! Don't get me wrong, I am completely thrilled at the way she is selling. I haven't had a week go by where I haven't mailed at least one copy out to someone who ordered online! Not to mention the great support that's been coming from the appearances I've been making. Now, I need to make another order for more, they take 3 weeks to get here, so I'm hoping I haven't screwed up on the timing and run out! Keep your fingers crossed!
Now, for the upcoming week.
Well, we start off tomorrow with a "Christmas in July" Turkey lunch fundraiser for our local library. For this, I need to cook, cut up and make gravy from a turkey, and make mashed potatoes for 40 people. I will also be doing a reading/signing at said lunch.
Tuesday is the reading/signing at the Rosetown public library @ 2pm. Wednesday is Dinsmore library @ 7pm.
Thursday and Friday are regular days, then Saturday we are doing the music for a wedding at a provincial park. Should be a blast!
Everything is going to go off without a hitch, right?!
Keep Your Fingers Crossed!
Oh! "Lexi" is available in another store! Thanks Jacq'y!
"Lexi's Magic Clothes" is now available:
Milbanke's (both locations), North Battleford
Crandleberry's, North Battleford
Paisley & Polkadots, North Battleford
Our Drug Store, Unity
Prairie Rose Floral and Gifts, Kindersley
Tunes & Trinkets, Rosetown
McNally Robinson Booksellers, Saskatoon
Jacq'y Jaye's Gifts and Beyond, Outlook
and online @ http://www.margyreidbooks.net/
Let's see, I had an impromptu radio interview, which, I have to admit, was pretty exciting. I put a proposal together for a national distributor and got that sent away, pretty exciting. I received my second shipment of "Lexi," and am going to need to order another right away, also really exciting.
I was having morning coffee on the phone with my mom on Wednesday, just like we do every Wednesday, when someone called on my other line, I didn't recognize the number so I told my mom I should get it and would call her back. Well, to my surprise it was a reporter from CJYM radio, wanting to do an interview.
I have discovered a little something about myself through the process of doing the interviews I've done so far. I like the spur of the moment ones better. That way, I don't have the time to over think and get so nervous.
Anyway, the interview went pretty well, I think. I don't know when it will air, didn't think to ask. Hopefully, I didn't come across like a total dim wit! Keep your fingers crossed!
National? Maybe, keep your fingers crossed.
Through some research, I discovered a national book distributor that likes to work with independents like myself. So, I sent them a proposal with a copy of the book, marketing plan, etc. and in a few weeks will find out whether or not they will take up "Lexi's" cause, and help her get from shore to shore. Man, I wish I was better at waiting! Gonna be a long few weeks!
The second shipment of "Lexi" showed up safe and sound and just in time. But, after doing a couple of more reading/signings, I am discovering how fast they disappear! Don't get me wrong, I am completely thrilled at the way she is selling. I haven't had a week go by where I haven't mailed at least one copy out to someone who ordered online! Not to mention the great support that's been coming from the appearances I've been making. Now, I need to make another order for more, they take 3 weeks to get here, so I'm hoping I haven't screwed up on the timing and run out! Keep your fingers crossed!
Now, for the upcoming week.
Well, we start off tomorrow with a "Christmas in July" Turkey lunch fundraiser for our local library. For this, I need to cook, cut up and make gravy from a turkey, and make mashed potatoes for 40 people. I will also be doing a reading/signing at said lunch.
Tuesday is the reading/signing at the Rosetown public library @ 2pm. Wednesday is Dinsmore library @ 7pm.
Thursday and Friday are regular days, then Saturday we are doing the music for a wedding at a provincial park. Should be a blast!
Everything is going to go off without a hitch, right?!
Keep Your Fingers Crossed!
Oh! "Lexi" is available in another store! Thanks Jacq'y!
"Lexi's Magic Clothes" is now available:
Milbanke's (both locations), North Battleford
Crandleberry's, North Battleford
Paisley & Polkadots, North Battleford
Our Drug Store, Unity
Prairie Rose Floral and Gifts, Kindersley
Tunes & Trinkets, Rosetown
McNally Robinson Booksellers, Saskatoon
Jacq'y Jaye's Gifts and Beyond, Outlook
and online @ http://www.margyreidbooks.net/
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Onward and Upward!
It's been another week of learning, and again doing things that a year ago, if someone had told me I'd be doing , I would have asked them what they were drinking!
Let's start with the things I've learned. I've learned that when you start jotting down new ideas for kids' stories while watching a football game, the stories tend to have a somewhat aggressive edge to them. This results in having to rethink said stories! lol
I've learned to have a few pads of paper handy when jotting ideas. This way when new characters or stories pop in while I'm writing another, I can jot the new ones down right away, before they escape!
Thanks to a little girl I know, I also learned that inflatable swans with purple tiaras can lay incredible numbers of eggs in nests the size of a house!
Also, and I give this information as a public service, never and I do mean never debate video games with a 5 year old boy! You will LOSE!
As for doing new things, well, this week I did 2 newspaper interviews. For local papers, but interviews all the same.
It's a very strange feeling, answering questions about yourself and what you are doing. I suppose a person might get used to it after a while. I sincerely hope I have the opportunity to do it often enough to become comfortable with it. Although, I really don't know how many times that would take, I'm guessing quite a few!
Now on to the future..... On Wed. July 14th I'm going to be doing a reading/signing at the Milden library. On July 20th 2pm I'll be at the Rosetown library. July 21st @ 7pm, Dinsmore library.
Aug 5th @ 1pm, Outlook library. Aug 14th Kindersley library.
I'm hoping to add a few more dates throughout the summer.
Well, I better run, literally, I feel like I've been neglecting my treadmill!
Oh yeah, Lexi is also available in a new store! Thanks Dennis and Ally!
Lexi's Magic Clothes is available:
Milbanke's (both locations) in North Battleford
Paisley and Polkadots in North Battleford
Crandleberry's in North Battleford
Our Drug Store in Unity
Tunes and Trinkets in Rosetown
Prairie Rose Floral and Gifts in Kindersley
McNally Robinson in Saskatoon
online at www.margyreidbooks.net
Let's start with the things I've learned. I've learned that when you start jotting down new ideas for kids' stories while watching a football game, the stories tend to have a somewhat aggressive edge to them. This results in having to rethink said stories! lol
I've learned to have a few pads of paper handy when jotting ideas. This way when new characters or stories pop in while I'm writing another, I can jot the new ones down right away, before they escape!
Thanks to a little girl I know, I also learned that inflatable swans with purple tiaras can lay incredible numbers of eggs in nests the size of a house!
Also, and I give this information as a public service, never and I do mean never debate video games with a 5 year old boy! You will LOSE!
As for doing new things, well, this week I did 2 newspaper interviews. For local papers, but interviews all the same.
It's a very strange feeling, answering questions about yourself and what you are doing. I suppose a person might get used to it after a while. I sincerely hope I have the opportunity to do it often enough to become comfortable with it. Although, I really don't know how many times that would take, I'm guessing quite a few!
Now on to the future..... On Wed. July 14th I'm going to be doing a reading/signing at the Milden library. On July 20th 2pm I'll be at the Rosetown library. July 21st @ 7pm, Dinsmore library.
Aug 5th @ 1pm, Outlook library. Aug 14th Kindersley library.
I'm hoping to add a few more dates throughout the summer.
Well, I better run, literally, I feel like I've been neglecting my treadmill!
Oh yeah, Lexi is also available in a new store! Thanks Dennis and Ally!
Lexi's Magic Clothes is available:
Milbanke's (both locations) in North Battleford
Paisley and Polkadots in North Battleford
Crandleberry's in North Battleford
Our Drug Store in Unity
Tunes and Trinkets in Rosetown
Prairie Rose Floral and Gifts in Kindersley
McNally Robinson in Saskatoon
online at www.margyreidbooks.net
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Bit By Bit

Well, another week has gone by, "Lexi" is in a few more homes, and I have a tentative date for a reading/signing in the library in Kindersley. (Tentatively, Sat. August 14th.)
I think the week went pretty well. Along with selling some more books individually, I am proud to say that I've added another store to the list that carry "Lexi". She now is available at Prairie Rose Floral and Gifts on main street in Kindersley. Thanks Deb!
I can't really put into words the little thrill I get every time somebody buys a book. Each time, it takes me back to the day I jotted it down in one of the left over notebooks from the girls' highschool supplies. Each time, I have to give myself a little pinch to remind myself that it really is happening. "Lexi" is a real book, people are actually buying it, reading it, and genuinely seem to like it!
Slowly, but surely, "Lexi" is making her way. I know a few copies have made their way beyond the Saskatchewan borders. I have found out that she is now in homes in Alberta, BC, Seattle, Madill, and in at least one elementary school in South Korea.
Well, I better run. As I am not yet rich and famous,lol, and today is the only one I have to do it, the laundry and household chores are calling, ok, yelling.
Thanks to those who are reading this, and please feel free to tell your friends. (in case you missed it, that is what you call blatant self promotion, lol )
"Lexi's Magic Clothes" is now available at the following:
McNally Robinson Booksellers in Saskatoon,Sk
Paisley & Polka Dots in North Battleford,Sk
Crandleberry's in North Battleford,Sk
Milbanke's (downtown & the mall) in North Battleford,Sk
Our Drug Store in Unity,Sk
Prairie Rose Floral and Gifts, main street, Kindersley,Sk
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