At the risk of sounding like a whiner, I would just like to say that I am officially sick of winter!!!!!
There, I said it. I know to some, that statement may make me a wimpy Saskachewanian, but seriously? I simply would love to wake up for more than a few days in a row where it's not -40 flippin' degrees!
Okay, I'm done.
Now, on to much happier things. This week was awesome!
My books showed up at my house safe and sound. They took an extra day to come, due to weather, big shocker!.
My website, I am happy to say, is up and running! Yes, I can receive your orders for both books through http://www.margyreidbooks.net/ . I've already sent 5 copies on their way!
How cool is that! And I think that is the official name of my new company!
You see I was going to just run the books through our Rainbow Entertainment business and keep things very simple. Well, that plan was thwarted by my accountant. he says it`s a much better idea to run it as a completely separate company.
So, it`s official. www.margyreidbooks.net is my official company name!
Let`s see, other happenings this week. Okay, well, it`s not really book related, but I asked my hubby to pick up one of those big exercise, yoga ball thingys for me. Being I have some holidays, I thought it would be a good time to add a new activity. Well, slowly but surely, I am getting familiar with it. The good news is I haven`t fallen off or hurt myself yet. The bad news is, I can`t do some of the exercises they show on the chart. This is because I`m built in such a way that my butt has a fairly close proximity to the ground. But, I can sit on that bad boy for very long periods of time without touching my feet to the floor and just balance there! Don`t laugh! Okay, I guess you might as well.
Alright, on to the upcoming week.
For this week I will begin work on my exercise video, "Balling for Shorties", okay, maybe not, but somebody ought to!
I will however, begin getting things ready for upcoming events.
March 7th & 8th : Prince Albert readings.
March 18th: Reading at pre-school in Saskatoon
March 19th: Small trade show in Saskatoon at George Vanier school
April 15th: Big Trade show in Outlook at the Jim Kook Rec Plex.
April 30th: Reading/signing at McNally Robinson in Saskatoon
Also this week, I need to:
Take my laptop in to have a new antivirus put on it, take books to McNally and sign new contract with them. I need to take extra, as they are putting some in their Winnipeg store! Yay!
I need to buy another easel for promo poster of "A Crazy Day", I need to drop my daughters' copies of "Crazy" with them. I need to buy shipping envelopes for sending books. (Yep I'm out! Yay again!) I need to do some banking, deliver some copies of "Crazy" that were pre-ordered, pick up a few groceries, and oh yeah, I get to have my nails done!
Oh, did I mention I will be doing all of the things in the above paragraph in one day? I know, but I'm still on holidays and the fewer days I have to get up at 5am, the better. I'll just have to be quick!
Until next week!
May every person you come across be in incredible humour.
May you take some of that with you each day, through every traffic jam and office rumour.
May all those you depend on, be nothing but efficient and dependable in everything they do .
May you finish all of your "have to's" in record time, then take some time for you.
May good fortune follow you relentlessly like stalkers follow Hollywood stars.
May it follow you throughout your week, so you have your best one, by far.
Take Care!