I know, obnoxiously big pictures. At this point, it kind of feels like I'm just bragging about the beauty that surrounds those of us who live in this part of the world.
I am choosing to look at it as sharing. Not everyone lives in a place where seasons change, where leaves are painted with this incredible colour palette, where the shift in seasons is felt, and not just in the dip in temperature.
We wish summer a sweet farewell, embracing all that autumn has to offer.
This week, I had the opportunity to take part in a self-defense class.
It was informative. It was informative, in many ways.
The attendees of this event were women between the ages of 19 and, if I had to guess, about 70. The instructor, a young man seemingly well versed in teaching these type of classes.
Throughout the demonstrations, I was watching reactions to the different scenarios, each depicting a variety of situations, involving different levels of violence.
A few things became very clear.
The vast majority of the women in the room had a hard time envisioning themselves in these situations, situations in which they would willfully and willingly inflict as much pain as possible on another human being.
By the reactions, it also became pretty clear that the majority of these women have never had to defend themselves in any real, physical way. That, in and of itself is a blessing. But, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised.
I hope, someday, we get to a place in our society where being able to physically ward off a personal attack of any kind becomes completely unnecessary. Sadly, we aren't there yet.
We, women, by nature, are generally nurturing. The thought of purposefully inflicting pain and injury on someone else is at its least, distasteful, at its worst sickening.
The instructor talked about the fight or flight instinct, including a third, freezing. I'm so glad he brought this up, because that is exactly what shoots through your body at lightning speed. The way you are wired, and what life has thrown at you up to that point, will be what dictates which of these three instincts will drive what comes next.
According to our instructor, and I agree full-heartedly, it should always be fight.
You're not likely to outrun him. You're not going to fix the broken soul of this asshat with some epiphany invoking speech. Freezing will only give him more time to hurt you.
Fight. Fight first. Fight hard. Fight fast. Fight furiously. Fight for yourself like you would your child. Fight like your life depends on it, because it can, and most likely, will.
Take a class. Learn what it feels like to physically hurt someone on purpose. Learn to fight your instinct to be nice.
Learn to trade your nice for nasty when you need to.
Gotta run.
Until next time
May you walk with enough confidence, enough swagger to take the target off your back.
May you allow yourself to check your 'nice' at the door when you need to, let your heart go black.
May you learn to be your own white knight, your own hero, learn it's ok to kick some ass.
May you see you can be a badass, go for the eyes, throat and groin, and still possess all kinds of class.
May you see that it's ok to get your hands dirty to keep yourself safe.
May you gain these skills, empowering yourself, it could, someday, save your life.
![Once Broken by [Reid, Margy]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41x0FgrjdFL._SX260_.jpg)