Friday, December 30, 2022

A Life Bigger, Wider, Broader, Deeper...


And just like that, we are on the threshold of another new year. Another chance to live the lives we were meant to live. Another chance to marry our actions to our dreams. Another chance to look at our lives, and make decisions to improve them. 

This time of year tends to make a lot of us reflective. Which is a good thing, I think We are here to learn things, and you can't do that if you just bumble through life without thought. 

Personally, I strive to live a life that goes beyond just living on the surface. Yes, day-to-day mechanics of life happen, at least to a certain extent, on auto-pilot. I won't deny that. I do, though, on a regular basis, take a step back and take a deeper dive. 

I can't help but believe that life should be bigger, wider, broader and deeper than making money, paying bills, and chasing errands. It has to. 

It has to be bigger than keeping score of who has the biggest, best and fanciest. 

It has to be wider than our bubbles of comfort.

It has to be broader than the borders that surround us.

It has to be deeper than worrying about mortgages, meetings, and buying groceries. 

It has to. 

We all know this on some level, but reminders never hurt. I know I need them fairly often.

Tomorrow is never promised, which makes each day precious. We should always do our best to treat it as such. 

We can't grow without some level of discomfort.

Kindness isn't an act, it's a choice we make every day. 

Put the majority of your energy into the things that light you up, things that feed your soul.

Let go. Let go of all the things that weigh you down. You don't need permission from anyone but yourself.

Forgiveness is not for those who have wronged you, it's the antidote to the poisons they left within you. 

Treat yourself with the same kindness, compassion, and understanding you give your friends. 

It's okay to take a beat when you need to, and breathe. 

Busy should never be the goal. 

The way you are perceived by others is irrelevant. Be guided by your heart, your conscience. Making decisions based on the fear of others' opinions can do nothing but lead to a path to discontent. 

So as this year winds down. look back, reflect, hold on to the good parts, and let the rest go.

Cherish the now, be hopeful, be positive, be brave, be kind, and strive to be here to treasure each tomorrow with health and happiness.  


Happy New Year!

May the upcoming year bring you nothing but happiness and laughter.

May any obstacles be tiny, nothing but a worn-down speed bump, barely noticeable in this new chapter.

May your every dream come true, if not in the way you envisioned, in a way simply too magical for you to conceive. 

May you trust that good things can happen, they do every day, we just need to pay attention and believe. 

May you live your life, steering toward joy, aiming at happiness, spewing dust into the face of fear.

May you feed what lights you up, nourish your peace, living an incredible New Year!


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Happy Holidays!


Hi! This is going to be a bit short and sweet.

Short, because gratefully, we have our whole crew landing under our roof in a couple of days, and I still have stuff to do.

Sweet, because there is nothing that makes life sweeter than them coming home.

As our kids get older, and their kids get older,  the amount of time we all spend under one roof diminishes. Naturally so. It just makes the times we are able to get together more meaningful. 

We know just how lucky we are. We are grateful.

So, when you celebrate this holiday season, no matter how, no matter why, no matter where, keep in your thoughts those who are spending this season in the dark, in the cold, in turmoil, alone. 



May you spend your time in such a way that looking back will make you smile.

May you treasure your time with loved ones, especially if you haven't seen them in a while.

May none of us take for granted our time together, our time alone, our time... period.

May we understand that to do so, by no means do we always need to be serious. 

May your laughter ring loud enough to lift the spirits of those who need it most.

May your every act of kindness ripple far, ripple wide, reaching both poles, each and every coast.

Friday, December 16, 2022

If Your World Feels Dark...


This time of year can be really tough for so many, especially those who live with any or all of the shades of depression that exist in this world.

Struggling to stay out of the shadows that want to consume you can be exhausting, overwhelming, and can, sometimes, feel impossible. 

For those who fight to live in the light...

I am not an expert, and will never claim to be. What I am is a loved one of several people who live with anxiety disorders, bipolar, ADHD, and other challenges. 

If you are finding this holiday season ultra-difficult, please know you are not alone. 

We all feel stress. None of us feel or process it in the same way. None of us are wired the same way. None of us have had the same upbringing, even if we grew up in the same house. 

So..... none of us are in a place to judge how anyone else handles it. 

If you find the holidays easy, if you handle stress and anxiety in stride, that's awesome.

If you struggle, you are far from the only one.

If you are finding that this year is harder, that the dark is working overtime to swallow you whole, please reach out.

Call someone. Talk to anyone. Friends, family, co-workers, strangers. Literally anyone. Just know that you matter, you are wanted, that your light touches more people than you can imagine.

Please remind yourself that everything is temporary. 

I know how lame that sounds, but that doesn't make it any less true.

If you are in the clutches, please don't try to shake it off on your own, please don't mask it for others, please don't isolate yourself.

If you whisper and no one hears, talk louder, if talking isn't getting through, scream. 

We want you here. We want to see you, talk to you, hang out with you, help you.

When the fight seems too hard, just know you never have to fight it alone. 

We are here. 

Even if we don't know the exact right thing to say or do in the moment, we are here.

Even if you think we don't care, we are here.

Even if you think we don't like you, we are here.

Even if you think you are an unliftable burden, we are here. 

Even if you think there couldn't possibly be anyone who gives a crap, we are here.

We are here. We want you here too. All of you. Every part of you. We want you here.


May you know, really know, that you are cared for, are loved, even if you can't feel it right now.

May you understand to the depths of your soul, that if you keep reaching, someone will be there, some way, some how. 

May you hold on, for the darkness will fade with help, healing, and time.

May you know we are there to help you with the climb. 


Friday, December 9, 2022

It's Time To Lower Our Shoulders...



As parts of the world remain in turmoil, as wars rage, as some humans continue to treat others with cruelty, I struggle a bit with the guilt that comes with the privilege of living the life I have.

I live in a home, though not fancy, it's warm, safe, comfortable, and filled to the brim with love. I live in a town where the word neighbour carries meaning. I live in a Province where the expansive, dancing skies caress the endless horizon, I live in a Country, although imperfect, is a pretty incredible place to call home.

This is not the case for far too many.

I believe, as humans, it's our responsibility to do what we can, whenever we can for those less fortunate than ourselves. But, I also believe it's okay to put that mantle down now and again to recharge ourselves, fuel our souls, and refill our tanks, so we have a reserve of joy to spread. 

We can't give what we don't have.

So, I don't know about you, but, for the next little while, I think I'm going to take a beat. Recharge, and give myself permission to enjoy this time with friends and family. 

I think it's time for a bit of a bad news break. 

It's time to bake some favourite treats, get together with some grandbabies and make a few tree ornaments, play some board games, watch some cheesy, predictable Holiday movies, sip some hot chocolate, and breathe. 

It's time to lower our shoulders, release the tension, and allow ourselves to truly relax. 

Yes, we still need to attend to our day-to-day, going to work, etc. but we can give ourselves permission to not pick up any extra weight, at least for now. 


May you allow yourself to breathe in deep and completely exhale. 

May you take a beat, have some fun, blow off some steam, drink hot chocolate by the pail. 


Friday, December 2, 2022

Yes, It's Stupid Cold...


So we got our first taste of sub -40 today. Likely the first of several before the snow melts. For those who live where the air NEVER hurts your face, here's what it's like.

This is when you load enough extra winter gear into your car to stave off freezing in weather just like this for several hours.  This gear will ride around until April.

Alongside the gear will be a candle, a roll of toilet paper, emergency snacks, reflectors, a shovel, and some kitty litter. (for traction if needed, weight to keep you from sliding around, if not needed)

You will make sure your gas gauge never falls below half in case you get stuck and need to stay in your running car to not become a human popsicle. 

This is when you try your best not to have uncovered skin exposed to the elements for more than about 30 seconds. 

This is the time of year I feel for those new to our neck of the woods. 

This is when you BETTER not forget to plug in your vehicle. For those who live in places where the air DOESN"T hurt your face, vehicles up here have a thing called a block heater, and if you have any hope of starting said vehicle to go to work, or anywhere else for that matter, you need to plug that sucker in for at least a few hours before you attempt to start it. 

This is when it's too cold to snow. Yes, that's a thing. 

Yes, it's stupid cold. Yes, it adds an extra challenge to the regular day-to-day. Yes, this makes a person consider buying a ton of stock in companies that make lotion. Yes, this weather triggers an urge to make copious amounts of homemade soup. 

Are there worse things? Always. Are there those who have it harder? Most definitely. 

All you have to do is take a walk in any of our cities. The unhoused fight to survive the bitterness. 

Please do what you can to support the charities that support the ones doing their best to survive the cold. Warmth should be for everyone, not just the lucky ones.  


May every beating heart find enough warmth to feel safe, accepted, and seen.