The world seems a bit crazy right now, okay, more than a bit. I'm sure it has seemed that way in some way, shape, or form during every decade, every generation.
These times, though, feel more precarious than any stretch of time I can remember. Basic rights are in perilous positions. Kindness is being presented and perceived as weakness, as something to be ashamed of rather than something to strive for.
Caring for those who struggle to care for themselves... instead of being the very least we should be doing, is labeled as unnecessary, and uncalled for. They should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, right? Except, in order to do that, they have to first, have boots.
The human part humanity seems to be taking a back seat... a blindfolded walk into the abyss.
So what can we do? Those of us who still care, those of us who understand that until all humans have the same rights, human rights don't really exist. Those of us who understand that every human that walks the earth is deserving of safety, food, and shelter. What can we do?
I'll tell you what we don't do... We don't give up. We don't give in. We don't allow ourselves to become so exhausted we become apathetic.
If we, the ones who get it, give up where does that leave those who need us most?
So, that just can't be an option.
I can't sit in the belief that we are in the minority of living, breathing people who are sharing this planet, in this moment. We just can't be.
Right now, it can feel dangerous to be loud in our inclusivity. We don't want to put those we are trying to protect in bigger danger. But my fear is if we are quiet, if we become silent, those who need us most will think we have left them to fight this fight all alone.
If we become quiet, those who wield the hate will assume victory and stomp the souls of the precious even more than they already do.
Those who find themselves tiptoeing, wanting to give in to the urge to hide, those living scared... please know we are still here. We are still fighting for kindness, equality, inclusivity, and acceptance.
Tactics may shift, the "how" may change, but please know, we are not abandoning you, or the idea of a world that can be peaceful and safe for everyone.
If you can be loud, be loud! If you need to be subtle, be subtle! If what you can do lives somewhere in the middle, do that!
Just Don't Quit!
Never Give Up!
Exhaustion doesn't erase the need.
The best revenge is to restore the joy they think they've destroyed, and live in it, at least in some small way, every... single,,, day.