Well, here it goes, my very first blog entry.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Margy Reid. I am a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother,wife and friend. I grew up the middle child in a family of 7 kids. I became a wife and mother at the ripe old age of 20 and proceeded to have 4 daughters within a 4 1/2 year span. Some people think that's a little nuts, and don't get me wrong, there were times when my husband and I thought so too!
But now, they are beautiful, smart, self confident young women and are best friends. All worth it in the end.
Along the way, I held many part time jobs, always trying to come up with resourceful ways to make money from home. The one I loved the most and that lasted the longest was running a daycare from my home.
I love kids, have always loved kids and always will. Looking after children is what I know, what I love and what I continue to do.
I used to make up stories to entertain the kids all the time, always promising myself I would get them down on paper at some point. Some of the stories themselves are inspired by a toddler or two.
So that, in a nut shell, brings us to today.
I am now an aspiring new children's author and am currently on a pretty cool journey with what I plan to be my first of several books, "Lexi's Magic Clothes."
I did a reading at a school for a group of grades 1,2 and 3 on Tuesday, and as usual I opened the floor to questions when I was through. One little guy asked my favourite question I've had so far.
He asked "Are you related to Robert Munsch?"
Hands down, one of the biggest compliments any hopeful children's author can get! That kid made my week!
So, with that, I thought I'd start a blog to kind of journal my way through. Who knows, somebody might actually read it! lol
It's been an incredible trip so far, and it`s only beginning! I'm learning alot, and enjoying the ride!
As of today, `Lexi` is available at: McNally Robinson Booksellers (Saskatoon, Sk,Canada)
Milbanke`s (both locations, N. Battleford,Sk, Canada)
Paisley & Polka Dots (N. Battleford)
Crandleberry`s (N. Battleford)
Our Drug Store (Unity, Sk, Canada)
Next : WORLD DOMINATION!!!!! Ok, that might be a stretch, I`d be pretty happy to see `Lexi`go national though!
Hey Margy!! Must say I am really, really proud of you!It has been an awesome number of years to have you as a sister-in-law and friend and it has been incredible to see what you are accomplishing and have yet to accomplish and I will definetly be along for the ride cause I am sure it will be a long and fulfilling one, and an exciting trip,glad you are taking me along for it. Love you! And away we go! Hang on tight!!