Well, this week went pretty well, I think. I'm looking forward to hearing back from the Greater Catholic School Board in Saskatoon. I did get my business cards ordered, here's hoping they get here in time for Rosetown on Saturday. If not, they will definitely be here in time for North Battleford. Mom's doc appointment went fine, other than they were waaaayyy behind and it ended up taking 2 hours for what ended up being a 5 minute actual doctor visit. Sheeesh!
Some prizes are now taken care of for the Halloween Bash on the 30th at the Milden Hotel. I do need to get a few more, though, and some door prizes. We did get some posters up, just need to put up a couple more, then I can tick that off of my "to do" list.
I didn't get more copies of "Lexi" ordered this week. I had to put it off for a week. I'm waiting for clarification on a pricing issue, but should be good to go by Wednesday. Will be cutting it closer than I like once again, but there really isn't anything I can do about it.
The best thing about this past week is....... "A Crazy Day" is now officially ready for Hazel! Now, I just need to get the funds together to get her started,and we'll be off and running! Should be good to go by about the 20th. Even a little ahead of the schedule I had set for myself. I really need to stay on task with this one. You see, because Hazel is such an incredible illustrator,her talents are being demanded more and more, which means her schedule is tight. I'm so grateful she is able to do "A Crazy Day."
Oh, I almost forgot! The copyright for "A Crazy Day" is in the books! I can't tell you what kind of a thrill that gives me. It's like the copyright makes it really official. In my mind, anyway, the copyright is what takes it from a "story" to a "book."
Now, for the upcoming week.
I absolutely, without a doubt need to order more copies of "Lexi" by Wednesday. If not, I won't have them in time.
I need to get my caramel apple pie made on Wednesday and get in the freezer for next weekend. I also need to get a couple of pumpkin ones done or there could be a riot! lol
I need to find a couple of book propper uppers ( I'm sure that's precisely what they are called) for the upcoming shows. I think plate stands might work ok, but will have to check it out.
I'm still on the quest for the perfect Halloween costumes for the hubs and myself. We'll be checking some out on Monday, after work.
I need to get in touch with the Sunwest School Division and see about doing some readings. I haven't done any for a bit, and I have to say, I'm missing reading to the munchkins!
Well, I think that's about it for this week. I'm looking forward to doing this festival in Rosetown on Saturday. It's different from anything I've done with "Lexi" so far. Another example of "Lexi" taking me places I never would have gone. I'm a bit nervous, but it is new and different. I wouldn't be me if I wasn't sitting on a few pins and needles about it! lol
Until next week,
May you come across something which gives you unbridled joy.
May you find that lost something be it an earring or toy.
May your mind wander to someone who puts a smile on your face.
May your feet take you somewhere that's a new,exciting place.
May your heart hug somebody you don't even know.
May you hear something profound that makes your spirit grow.
May any torment or stress simply quiet and cease.
May all your senses be embraced by serenity and peace.
Check out "Lexi" @:
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