Hi everybody!
Ya know a couple of days ago, things were looking a little melty outside, now.....yeah, not so much. Again with the -30* windchill! Well at least at this point, we know it can't last more than a couple of more months, right? Right?
Well, let's see, looking back at the past week, there were no emails from my web guy yet, probably in the upcoming week.
I did talk with McNally about an event date, so that is underway, should have a date nailed down in the next few days. It was so nice to hear how excited they are about this new book. They said they are looking forward to getting it on the shelf asap, as "Lexi" has done so well! Cool, right?
Still haven't assembled the updated song books, very monotonous job, not looking forward to it. Ugh, probably how I will spend the remainder of my Sunday after visiting kids and grandbaby go home.
Speaking of, Ethan got a look at the printed proof and promo poster. The whole thing is worth it just for the look on his face when he recognized himself in the illustrations! This is where I give an official nod, once again, to the talents of Hazel Mitchell. I had sent her some pictures of Ethan, and asked her to "cartoonize" him and make him a couple of years older. She never ceases to amaze me!
On a personal note, I went for my second massage this week. I don't feel quite as beat up this time and she thinks one more session ought to do the trick. Note to drivers, please stop rearending me!
We also recevied some news on the hubby's end of things, no work until Feb. 7th for sure. He doesn't do still well. Thank God for Wii!
So for the upcoming week, like I mentioned, I should be hearing from the web guy. I have an appointment for a Lasik consult after work on Tuesday. Here's hoping they have nothing but good news. I'm horrible with glasses, but my eyes are starting to do that mid-forties thing and I'm going to be doing a bunch of readings with "Crazy Day." The object is to fix my eyes so I can put off glasses for another 10 years or so. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Also this week, another massage, hopefully the last one! Prep for the show on Saturday, get a date for the reading/signing at McNally, finish updating my press release, and then......get start getting some feelers out for doing readings before the McNally event.
Oh, and did I mention I received a tentative receiving date for "Crazy Day"? Feb. 16th! I can't wait!!!
Until next time, have a great week!
May you weather the weather whether it be on the warm side or cold.
May you find the gopher or ground hog, then winter's nearly over, so we're told.
May you embrace this next season with all the promise that it brings.
May you seize all it's potential, it's adventure, it's excitement, it's wings.
May you, in the spirit of spring, experience a renewal of confidence and grace.
May you feel the winter blues melt away replaced with such colourful joy you can't wipe the smile off of your face!
Have a Good One!
good luck my sweet wife.a may you from me.may you have as much fun and success with ethen as you did with lexi.