Sunday, September 18, 2011

Live a Little, Learn a Little!

Yeah, the picture doesn't have much, if anything to do with this week's ramblings, I just really like it.

Hiya folks!

Some pretty cool things happened this week!

Yep, my baby daughter, a welder, therefore the least intimidated by power tools, came to visit for a few days and reclaimed her title of "Queen of the screwgun" ! Now the walls in what will be my new beautiful bathroom, are drywalled! All that remains naked of drywall is the ceiling, and we hope to have that rectified very soon.

Also during this week I got in touch with the corporate office at Hasbro. I was so nervous writing that email. I was terrified of wording something wrong, or not sounding businessy enough, or that they would read it, get a little chuckle, tell me I'm an idiot, and send me on my merry way. I was thrilled to hear back from them within 24 hours!

The woman who replied to my email was very helpful. Apparently, they don't accept unsolicited material and ideas for toys. The process goes through people called "toy brokers." Now there's a job I never knew existed! She also gave me a list with the contact information of the brokers that they deal with on a regular basis. In much more refined language than I am about  to use, she then advised me to go through brokers only. It covers my butt so no one can rip off "Lexi."

Also on the book front, I received another email from McNally Robinson. Yep, they need more books! I guess they are running short once again both in Saskatoon and Winnipeg. They also informed me that one of the school divisions in the province came in and bought 19 copies of each book and are going to be using them in a literacy program throughout their division! How cool is that!

To top off a great week, we went to Kindersley last evening to do a karaoke show for a "red carpet" party.  My cousin's little girl turned 8, and was having a red carpet birthday party. The guests came as celebrities, they went on a limo ride, and my two youngest daughters, dressed in gowns, escorted the guest into the party. This is where the Justin Beiber cut out made his appearance! He didn't exactly stand like he was supposed to, so he was duct taped to the wall of the house so kids could get a picture with him.

For the first time in 12 years we almost had to cancel a show. We loaded the truck and left, then developed a weird shimmy. We came back, my hubby had a look, made a fix that we hoped would hold, and we were off again. Well, we didn't get very far when the temporary fix gave way and we had to turn around, again. As we were limping the truck home, you guessed it, the drive shaft fell off!

For those who are maybe less familiar with the underside of a vehicle, let's just say this. No driveshaft, no drive. Knowing there is a little girl with her heart set on this party, we had to think of something. So, my hubby caught a ride back home and grabbed our car. Our very little car. We crammed the essential equipment into every nook and cranny, and were on our way! We were a bit late, but we made it! We set up, covered up during a bit of a rain shower, but ended up with a show where a bunch of little ones could be rock stars for a night! One side note, you haven't heard Katy Perry's Firework song until you hear an eight year old, hopped up on birthday cake and soda pop sing it!

So, for the upcoming week.

I'll be prepping for "The Word on the Street Festival" which takes place in downtown Saskatoon, next Sunday. It's the first time Saskatoon is hosting one, but they have been held in Vancouver and other cities in the past. It looks like it is going to be a great experience. There are going to be readings, things for the kids, and all kinds of books, of course. Their website is if you'd like to check it out.

Also this week, of course, bathroom. Soon, it will be done very soon. Right????

So, until next week.

May every opportunity that comes your way be one you can grab onto with unadulterated glee.
May each one provide multiple chances like the spreading roots of an old oak tree.

May those chances turn into multiple blessings, be it making smiles, friends, or some cold hard cash.
May you be sure to grab the opportunity when it comes, for sometimes they pass in a flash.

May everything you're wishing for, be exactly what you truly need, to make you your truest you.
May it all come to fruition, in one way or another, even if it's not the way you thought it should do.

May we all understand that sometimes what we think we want isn't always what we need.
May we truly get that, in the end we inevitably look back and say "Aha!" Aha indeed.

Until next week!

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