Saturday, September 6, 2014

Nothing Tops Preschool Art!

Well, hi!

The photo above is a shining example of what fan mail looks like when the majority of your demographic is, shall we say, age-challenged.  This impressive piece of art work is from a young lady in Calgary, Alberta named Julia. I thank you again for the lovely painting, Julia. It is gorgeous!

It's so fun to receive these little surprises! When I hear from kids, or their parents, stories about how they insist on reading my stories "just one more time" every night before bed, or how they are helping little ones to learn to read, it thrills me to no end. I've even heard, on a few different occasions, that "Tags Go In The Back" is being seriously employed as a "how to" book by some toddlers!

When I think about how close I came to talking myself out this adventure, it makes me so thankful to my husband and daughters for giving me that kick in the butt I needed to go for it.

I am so grateful that I didn't let the fear take me down a path of haunting "what ifs."

Even if things had turned out differently, even if I never sold a single book, I can honestly say, I still would have regretted not trying more than failure.

This adventure has taken and continues to take me places I never thought possible. It has shattered the notion of a comfort zone, it has taught me to enter without expectation, for nothing ever goes like you think it will.

This adventure has given me and continues to give me so many joyous moments filled with sticky hugs and bright, excited little faces.  It gives me opportunities to meet overwhelmed young parents who are looking for a helpful tip or two from someone who has been there. It gives me phenomenal chances to meet other authors, and in doing so, learning that there is an infinite number of paths that lead the pen to paper.

This adventure has taught and continues to teach me to be open. Open to opportunity and circumstance. It has taught me to say yes to things I'd love to do, but am afraid of doing. It has taught and continues to teach me to never let fear make the decisions. Big or small.

Doing what you love is possible. It's necessary. It's vital to our soul's survival.

Even though keeping a roof over our heads prevents most of us from ditching our day jobs to pursue our passions full time, it's so important that we find a way to incorporate them into our lives on a regular basis, in a meaningful way. To deny our passions is denying ourselves of becoming the people we are supposed to become.We have them for a reason.

The upcoming week begins with a day, tomorrow, being spent with my four daughters. It is a "bride to be" event we are attending in honour of our youngest daughter who is getting married next June. It's not often I can get them all together under one roof, and very rare to do so without husbands or fiances or boyfriends or kids! As they are collectively, literally the funniest group of people to hang out with, I think it should be a pretty good day!

The rest of the week will be filled to the brim with fixing trailers and hunting down parts for said trailers.

Some time will need to be set aside for some "Word On The Street" preparations, and hopefully setting a date for launching "Alfred"

Well folks that about does it for me this time around. Thank you for taking the time to read these ramblings.

Until next time, I'll leave you with this wish............................

May your heart be lifted by an unexpected surprise, making you smile, making your day.
May the smile stay with you, beaming, lighting up any darkness along the way.

May passion strangle any fear if it dares to intrude on your choices.
May it always outshine, out shout, out sing, leaving fear only the weakest of voices.

May you dare to be happy, claim it, grab it, devour it without guilt.
May you see it's there within you, simply release it from the fortress you have built.

Until next time...

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