Friday, June 16, 2017

Happy Daddy Day!


Life around here is never dull, but the past few weeks have been particularly exciting.

"Once Broken" has had a pretty great start. It's been two full weeks since the release date and copies, hardcopy, and ebook, have found their way to a bunch of different homes in four different provinces, in three different countries, on two different continents.

Another moment in time that, when I was elbow-deep in dirty diapers living on love and caffeine, seemed impossible.

There was a time when sleep was a luxury and making pennies stretch was my only hobby. When even allowing myself to entertain any kind of dream that remotely resembled what I am living today seemed a waste of time I simply didn't have. It seemed too far, too big, too much, I couldn't see a road from there to here.

That road has been a long one, with plenty of bumps, curves, detours, potholes, thrilling hills and sharp turns. I look forward to whatever is around the next bend, nothing seems too far anymore.

Do you see the guy in the top photo? The one at the head of the table, by the window? None of any of this happens without him.

He gave me our girls, this life, this adventure.

He is the guy our girls get to call daddy. He's the guy that would walk to the ends of the earth for his girls, pulling cars out of snowbanks, holding purses and coats during countless shopping expeditions, fixing bikes, cars, boyfriends attitudes, always willing to answer the call for a ride, no matter the time.

He is the guy that was their jungle gym, self-defense coach, teacher of changing oil and flat tires. He is the guy who will never let them forget that they are loved, he is proud, and they are worth everything because they are here, selling themselves short is not an option.

He is the guy that has been, and always will be, their protector, their biggest fan, their soft place to fall, always there with a hand up and a hug when they do.

He is the guy.


The past week has been pretty great, a tradeshow in Kindersley, time with some great people, working the shop. Pretty Great.

The upcoming days will be filled with another trade show, Father's Day, working on some book promoting, and working the shop. Just keep swimming....................


Now to my Dad..............

May you know that even though some time has passed since last we spoke, I haven't forgotten how you sound.
May you know that even though you've been gone a while, at the most important times, I know you're still around.

May you know we see you, feel you, every time a prank is pulled, a joke is skillfully told, or when "nin-nins" come out to play.
May you know you left the best of yourself behind, I see it in my own eyes,  those of my kids, and my grandbabies, in sooo many ways.

May you continue to watch over us with that glint in your eye and tongue planted firmly in your cheek
May you know we miss you, really miss you, always miss you, but it hits hardest, this day, this week.

******************************************************************** on Twitter : @mugwatt

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