Saturday, March 23, 2019

Dawn Was Breaking To My Right...


I was driving, heading north, dawn breaking on my right. On my left, an impossibly beautiful, giant moon, fighting to make the night last just a bit longer, not ready to surrender its splendor.

A new day was beginning. Regardless of our readiness, regardless of our willingness to relinquish the night. A new day. Time to let go of any perceived regrets and failures, anything negative that may have taken place the day before. Time to shake off the shadows of yesterday. Time to bid farewell to the giant moon.

It was time to embrace the dawn, bathe in the energy of the sunrise. Time to soak in the infinite possibilities, the wonder of everything that could be.

Each sunrise brings with it a brand new set of do-overs. A chance to do better.

If there is any particular wagon from which you had an unplanned dismount. Do-over. Jump back on.

If you ate your weight in junk food. Do-over. Well, stomach issues and do-over.

If you were less than kind. Do-over. Well, apologize, do better, and do-over.

If you didn't get your steps in. Do-over. Do extra.

Each time we experience the privilege of witnessing a sunrise, we owe it to ourselves to approach every task of the day with gratitude.

Doing laundry... think of those who barely have clothes on their backs

Cleaning house... so many are homeless

Doing dishes... so many go hungry

Bad day at work... so many unemployed

Spouse driving you nuts... so many widows/widowers

Yardwork... so many without space to run

It's hard.

Who am I kidding, it's pretty much impossible to feel grateful when you are knee deep in toddler vomit for the third day in a row. When your boss passes you over for that promotion...again. When you feel like a hamster on a greased wheel full of landmines.

It's hard.

When it's the hardest is when we need it most.

None of us are perfect. We screw up. We make wrong choices.

Each sunrise brings with it a brand new set of do-overs. A chance to do better.


Until next time

May you embrace each dawn, shaking free of the shadows of yesterday.
May every sunrise find you smiling, full of light, ready to forge your way.

May every moon find you at peace, satisfied with a day well spent.
May you lay your head dreaming of all that can be, all the greatness for which you are meant.


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