And just like that, November is gone!
The holiday gatherings have begun. Work parties, get-togethers with friends, and concerts put on by the littles that would rival any Broadway production.
My snowmen have successfully migrated from the basement and are doing well. Our grandbabies had the opportunity to participate in the "Friendsmas" at their Auntie and Uncle's house, and will be beginning their rehearsals for the concerts very soon.
Work parties are... well, work parties. They provide all kinds of opportunities, good and bad. Just remember, as you attend, everybody has a camera, and they aren't shy about using them.
For us, added into the holiday madness, are the final few of the tradeshows at which we will be selling and signing books.
Tomorrow, we head to Moose Jaw. For those of you not from here, yes that is the name of a real city. Next week, White City, also real, then Kindersley.
Throughout the fall we've met, and continue to meet, incredible, gifted artisans who display an incredible variety of talents that produce everything from handmade hats, mittens and plush toys, to home-baked goodies of every kind you can think of, We've seen hand-tooled jewelry with mind-blowing detail, wood carvings big enough to sit on and tiny enough to fit in your dollhouse. We've had the privilege of seeing beauty framed, some painted, some put there through the eye of a lens.
Over the next little while, if you have the opportunity to attend one of these shows, the craft fairs, the tradeshows, the extravaganzas, do yourself the favour, and go. It would be hard to be disappointed in the treasures you will find.
Now I hate to write and run, but I have to get ready for tomorrow's tradeshow, and I have some squares that need to be cut and taken to the freezer before my hubby gets home,
So go, take it all in, spread some joy, or, if you are in need of some, take yourself to places where you can bathe in it.
On a sadder note, our son-in-law lost his Granddad early this morning. Although he lived a long and full life, it's never easy to say good-bye to someone you love.
When you are 7, 5 and 3, it can be particularly tough. It hurts to know our grandbabies are having to deal with this depth of grief at such a young age. In their sweet innocence, they have decided to leave extra cookies out for Santa this year, with a note to ask Santa to bring one to Granddad.
Magic is magic.
Time spent with loved ones is precious. A gift, not a given.
May you embrace the magic of the season, take it all in through the eyes of a child.
May you let it carry you through any heaviness, let it make the mayhem mild.
May you share the magic, sprinkling it generously over everyone you meet.
May the warmth this brings keep you toasty from your head to your feet.
May the magic from others find you, if you are having trouble tapping into your own.
May you see the depth and breadth of your magic are vast, yet untested and unknown.
Until next time...
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