It is with nothing but respect and remembrance that I write these words.
Our pomp and circumstance can't help but be dwarfed by your sacrifice.
There will never be a ceremony or moment of silence big enough to convey the depth of our gratitude.
You fought, and continue to fight for and protect, the freedoms we have the luxury of taking for granted.
Those who are wanting to discriminate can't recognize your gender or sexual orientation through the flag that drapes your casket.
In addition to pinning a poppy close to our hearts, how can we truly honour you?
I think it comes down to this.
We need to stand up for those who live in terror. Borders are but imaginary lines drawn in the sand by people who didn't know better. Humanity is bigger than that.
Those who live within our imaginary circles don't own exclusive rights to those freedoms. They should be shared by all of humanity, regardless of location, belief system, or skin tone.
We need to stand up for those who live in fear. Fear of abuse, fear of violence, fear of undeserved repercussions of imaginary wrongs.
We should fight against every notion that one group of people should have control over another. Women should not have to fight for, or defend, their right to make decisions about their own bodies. No adult should have to fight for, or defend, their right to marry. No race should have to fight for, or defend, their right to a level playing field. No one should have to fight for, or defend how they choose to, or not to, worship.
We should fight for those who have fought for us. The words struggling and veteran should never live in the same sentence with any truth.
Those who have, and continue to sacrifice should, when they come home, get to live in the world they are fighting for.
We have yet to deserve your sacrifice, to honour it properly. I'm hopeful that, in time, we will.
To those who stand up...
May you feel our gratitude, even when, especially when, it's the most difficult to see.
May we, someday, prove our worthiness of your sacrifice, become the humanity we need to be.
May we honour you.
Until next time...
For hard copies of all of my books: www.margyreidbooks.com
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