Friday, January 24, 2020

Everybody's Sky Looks Different....#Let'sTalk


Every day brings with it a different sky.

The way the sun filtres through the clouds is different, the time of day makes it different, where you are in the world makes it different, it never looks exactly the same for more than a few moments, ever.

There are few things we know for certain. One of those things is that at some point, no matter how beautiful the sky is at the moment we are taking it in, no matter how clear, no matter how peaceful, we know, at one point in time it was filled with untethered rage. It unleashed upon us hail and rain, carried storms of devastating destruction. It has buried us in snow, leaving us to dig our way out. It has dropped tornados, sudden, unpredictable, wiping out everything we have. It has carried hurricanes that overwhelm and drown us without hesitation.

The sky is unpredictable, at times, deceivingly beautiful.

The beauty sometimes masks what lies beyond, in the atmosphere.

We cherish the beauty between the storms, but we always know another is coming.

We do what we can to predict what may be coming next, we do our best to prepare, to mitigate any foreseeable damage.

We share information to help one another, we come together after the storm has cleared to help each other through the recovery.

We all have our own storms. Our own struggles. They are not always what they seem. Sometimes the beauty masks what lies beyond.

We all need to care for our mental health.

For some, the struggles are a tornado, or a hurricane, devastating hits that threaten to wipe them out completely. Making them question if the fight to stay is worth it.

For others, it may be more like the odd thunderstorm, tumultuous while you're in it, but you can see a way through, you, even if not in the moment, eventually are able to find the silver lining.

None of us are immune. We don't live in an atmospheric bubble where the weather is always perfect. There are no inoculations against anxiety, depression, bipolar, bipolar 2, schizophrenia, or the other multitude of things that can bring on emotional frailty.

Everyone's sky looks different. Their sky will look different from your perspective, through your lens, your sky is only truly seen by you, and sometimes even you can't see it clearly.

Sometimes we are enveloped by fog and can't see the sky at all. Sometimes we get too busy and completely forget to even check it.

Everyone's sky looks different, is different.

We can never assume we know what is going on beyond the atmosphere.

Just because we don't know, or may not understand doesn't make it any less real.

Most Mental and Emotional health issues are invisible. Those who struggle with them get pretty adept at making them invisible. Make-up covering an abusive black eye.

Our Mental health programs need to be better. The Mental Health professionals need to do better.

We need to do better.

It's shocking to me to hear, to witness, that some still talk about and treat Mental health, mental trauma,  emotional struggles as some sort of figment of the medical imagination.

The whole, snap out of it, shake it off thing. That somehow, it's not real.

How many suicides will it take for those people to change their minds?

You wouldn't think twice about getting help with your blood pressure, your diabetes, your thyroid, your heart. Nor would you harshly judge a family member, friend, or neighbour for getting that help. Why is the brain any different?

Sometimes, all we need is a long walk in the fresh air. A heavy-duty workout with a heavy bag. Yoga.
We just need to do what works for us.

Sometimes, all we need is someone to talk to, someone to really listen. Sometimes that person is within our circle of family and friends, sometimes it needs to be someone that can give some professional insight. We just need to do what works for us.

Sometimes we need an in-depth diagnosis, medication, and on-going psychiatric care. We just need to do what works for us.

Everybody's sky looks different.

We need to quit assuming we know things about each other that we just don't know.
We need to quit judging each other by the storms we are having to endure.
We need to quit judging each other. Period.

Storms can be devastating, be the hand that lifts others out of the rubble.

On Jan 29th Bell Canada sponsors a Mental Health Awareness #Let'sTalk Day.

Talk. Even better. Listen.

If We Don't Hear The Whisper...Scream (click on the link below)


May you find what you need to help you through the storm.
May you find kindness, understanding, care that's warm.

May you see how much you matter, how beautifully valued you are.
May you see that even if, right now you can't see it, you are a magnificent star.

May you find the strength to fight for one more day, one more night.
May you fight, so you can watch the darkness give way to light.

May you see how much you matter, how beautifully valued you are.
May you see you are not defined by your struggles, you are an incredibly magnificent star.


Bell #Let'sTalk Be sure to check it out.

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