Saturday, February 8, 2020

This Is Only The Beginning...


You may have guessed from the photos that  I'm missing the long days that still seem so far away.

The summer breezes, the smell of rain, the sunsets that caress the edges of the horizon allowing us to endlessly savour every whisper of golden light.

Shadow dodging rodents aside, we have a few weeks until the calendar relents to spring, because of where I live, actual spring is more likely at least a few months away.

In the meantime, I will do my level best to savour the endless night.

Soooooooo, this, my friends, is the 500th edition/episode/posting of these ramblings.

What began as an invitation to any who were curious along for the ride of this writing adventure, has become something beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

The writing of these ramblings has afforded me the opportunity to hold meaningful conversations from readers all over the world about things that celebrate our differences as well as so many more things that connect us.

I'm forever honoured and humbled that you continue to entrust me with your stories, your milestones, your moments, your experiences, your heartbreak, your tears.

I appreciate every piece of feedback.

I would love to say that all of it is positive, uplifting, encouraging, but that would be a huge lie.

Although it is never my intention to offend anyone on purpose, I also won't edit myself to the point of impotence. I won't shy away from things I believe are important, I can't. It's not who I am.

It would indeed be weird if everyone agreed with everything I ramble about 100% of the time.

If I were the type of person that was easily insulted, I would likely be pushed into dark places on a regular basis.

It's a bit puzzling, and more than a little entertaining,  why those who have such animus toward me would take the time to not only seek out, and read what I have to say, but, then put their time and energy into formulating and spewing what I am sure they think are tremendously hurtful remarks in my direction.

I do read them.  Maybe because I grew up steeped in smart ass, maybe because I've been through what I've been through, maybe because life has taught me what really matters, more times than not, I find them amusing.

Everyone has the right to their opinion. But, they definitely do not have the power to dictate how I react to it.

Throw your sticks, sling your stones, do whatever you need to do to make you feel better. It's all good. Will it change who I am? Will it change how I approach the world? Will it have any effect on me outside a bit of amusement? Not at all.

So, 500. Kind of cool. This is only the beginning. Thanks for accepting the invitation.


May you capture your spark, fan the flame, then burn down your prison of safety.
May you know you can crawl, walk, then run, even if at first, your legs feel shaky.

May you throw aside your fear, if worst case is survivable, there is no reason not to try.
May you give yourself the gift of living in the 'why not' instead of existing in the 'why'.

May you see that though caution has its place, you can't allow it to be the teller of your tale.
May you see the beauty of caution waving in the wind, instead of your anchor it becomes your sail.


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