Friday, June 26, 2020

Facts And Truth... Stubborn Things


How is everybody doing?

Around here, things are beginning to transition into a kind of new normal-ish. This virus is a horrid thing. It has completely ravaged families, too many families. It continues to dig its hooks into humanity, one of the few things in this society that is absolutely devoid of prejudice. It cares not how old, how healthy, how young, how rich, how poor, your ethnicity, your culture, your belief system, where you were born, or the colour of your skin. 

It is a time in history where leadership has become really important. Leaders' willingness to listen to science, put egos aside, pay attention to data, and then make decisions that will keep their citizens as safe as possible. Leaders' willingness to make choices that may not always be popular, but are necessary. Making sure people can put food on their tables and pay their rent. Making sure that a healthcare system is in place to take care of everyone. 

As scientists have learned more about this virus, how to handle it changes. Strategies change in real-time. They have found out that masks make a much bigger difference than they first thought. A simple mask can make a huge difference in how many people contract the virus, how many need to be hospitalized, how many die. A mask.

It's such a non-decision. 

The complete and utter delusion that seems to drive the arguments against taking this most simple of precautions would be funny if they weren't so frickin' dangerous. These delusions, fuelled by conspiracy theories, are costing people their health, and in some cases their lives. 

When you listen to the insanity that is believed to be true, it's mind-boggling. Completely devoid of reality, the nonsense spins itself into a frenzy of idiocracy, spiking to a level I didn't think possible. To be that detached from reality can't be good for ya. I know I'm not a doctor, but still...

The truth, the facts, though uncomfortable, and not pretty, are still just that. Facts, truth, they are stubborn things.

I feel for our neighbours to the South. The United States has more cases per day now than they did at the beginning. Before any lockdowns, any restrictions. their Cheeto-in-chief has let them down. The sacrifices they have made have been for nothing because that asshat can't think beyond his own ego.

He's convinced, and is saying this out loud, in public, that the only reason there are more cases is that they are doing more testing.



So, using that logic...

Taking fewer pregnancy tests would result in fewer babies?

Fewer blood sugar tests would result in fewer diabetics?

Checking your oil less means it's less likely to get dirty?

Does it mean there would be fewer people suffering with cancer if we just slowed down the testing for cancer?

If you don't check your kid for ticks, does that mean they'll never have one on their body?

I'm sorry that's just stupid.

The cases are multiplying. The percentage of positive tests is rising. People are getting sick and dying at a rate worse than in any other developed country.

Facts and truth. Stubborn things.

On the flipside...

Congrats to the countries who are doing the work, following the science, making the hard choices, and to the citizens that are doing the same. 

I feel safe and grateful that I live in a Country, a Province, a Community that lives in reality, even when it's uncomfortable.


May we keep doing what is needed, it's working, let's keep it up.
May we stay the course, as to not fall back, we owe it to ourselves to not mess this up.


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