Friday, July 10, 2020

Same Sky, Different Day...


So, there are a few things I'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around.

Pro-Trump people are out there having tantrums about wearing masks, having tantrums about statues, having tantrums about Black Lives Matter, calling the police on people for sitting in cars in front of their own homes, for walking by their house, for the weirdest damn things.


If the "it's my body" is the argument you want to use for not wearing a mask because you feel it interferes with your freedom of choice, as you have to wear it for the hour or so it takes you to do your shopping, then how can you be soooooo against choice when it comes to women and THEIR choices about their own bodies and being pregnant for 40 weeks. I guarantee her decision to not have a baby will affect others much less than you not wearing a mask.

If you are using the argument about keeping statues and monuments that glorify people who actually fought AGAINST your United States in the civil war as a preservation of history, you should probably study more thoroughly your history. You should then strive to replace the existing statues and monuments with ones to honour more of the people who actually deserve it. If your going to fight this hard to preserve history, it should, at least, be accurate.

If, and it's a big if, ALL lives matter, shouldn't that include the young lives of colour that are being held in cages for no reason that makes any sense? Shouldn't that include the kids you are about to force back to school before the science shows that it's safe to do so? Shouldn't it include all of the people that are bound to get infected because woefully and willfully ignorant people gleefully ignore experienced and qualified scientists and doctors and choose, instead, to follow the advice of a guy who hasn't mastered the workings of an umbrella?

Last but not least, as a middle-aged white woman I'm begging, PLEASE stop. Stop calling the police and/or threatening to call the police for stupid non-reasons. Stop interfering in other peoples' lives! Yes, I am addressing the 'Karens' of the universe.

Just stop. It's never okay. People DO NOT need your permission to live their lives. They DO NOT need your permission to ride their bikes, skateboards, or motorcycles. They DO NOT have to give you a reason for being ANYWHERE. They DO NOT have to give you their names, their itineraries, their addresses, or anything else. They DO NOT have to prove to you that they didn't steal something by showing you a receipt. They DO NOT have to feed your ego by complying with whatever ludicrous, imagined, infraction you think they have committed. The DO NOT owe it to you to let you have your way.

They DO NOT owe you an explanation for ANYTHING! Nobody does! It's time to get over yourself and just stop it.

If you are threatened at the thought of true equality, it may be time to ask yourself why. Whether it's gender, race, or LGBTQ+, if the thought of all people being unconditionally equal makes you uncomfortable, it's time to rethink how you walk through the world. 

We are at the precipice of loooong overdue change. I can't wait to see what it looks like on the other side.

Yes, we all live under the same sky, but, my friends, it is indeed, a different day.


May science and equality propel humankind to the other side of this storm.
May we find our way through this darkness and be, once again, where it's warm.

May those who reject reality learn to embrace what actually is.
May those neck-deep in reality, find a way through this muck triumphant, find bliss.


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