Thursday, August 13, 2020

And Just Like That, There's Another Crack In The Glass...



How is everybody doing?

For some, school has already begun, for others, it will be in session soon.

How it will happen, how it will look, will differ widely, depending on where you live. 

Teachers, administrators, and support staff are doing everything within their power to make it a safe space. 

The safety measures implemented by different provinces, school divisions, counties, states, even individual schools will vary, but the goal is the same. An environment that has been made as safe as possible for everyone concerned.

Tough choices will need to be made.

If you don't agree with, or are not comfortable with measures taken, the option to school from home is there. Do what you feel you need to do. No judgment.

If you feel that your community has gotten a handle on COVID, and are comfortable with measures taken, and plan on sending your kids, that's all good too. No judgment.

If you feel that what's best for you and yours is a combination learning situation. All good. No judgment.

Everyone's situation, like in so many other aspects of life, will be so different. Let's be kind, understanding, and, empathetic of everyone's individual choices.

Being supportive is so important. We are all unsure. How can we not be? None of us have ever been through anything remotely close to this before. We have no past experience that can guide our decisions. This one can't be solved by dipping into the experiences of the generation that came before us. 

All any of us can do is our best. Our best to keep ourselves and each other as safe and healthy as possible. Our best to help the littles get through this as unscarred as possible.Our best to help our not-so-littles do the same. 

Maybe, if you are able, get in touch with your local school to see what you can do to help. Maybe a donation of hand sanitizer, Lysol wipes, masks. 

Be the village.


Joe Biden named Kamala Harris as his running mate.

And just like that, there's another crack in the glass ceiling.

She is a kick-ass Gen-X woman who has done nothing but earn every accolade she's ever gotten.

Perfect. Nope.

She doesn't need to be.

She, upon the shoulders of those who tread before her, provides the next level of shoulders upon which future generations of little girls will have the opportunity to stand. 

She's capable, she's tough, she's compassionate, empathetic, unapologetically ambitious, and smart as hell.

Oh, and she scares the hell out of the Cheeto-in-chief. 

He and those who have their lips permanently attached to his butt are scrambling to find a 'nickname' for her, scrambling to find a way to go after her. So far all they've come up with is saying she was too tough on Kavanaugh, which she wasn't, she was doing her job.

They are trying the good old birther rout. Trying to say she is ineligible to run because her parents weren't born in the country. Really?! Didn't work with Obama, won't with her either. Careful ass-kissers, your racism is showing.

They are trying to make it sound like being ambitious is a negative. Why would it be? Because she's a female, by chance? I don't recall the term ambitious ever being used in a derogatory way in reference to a male. Interesting, isn't it? Careful ass-kissers, your misogyny is showing.

What's next, Cheeto, you gonna go after her looks? 

You've already tried to label her as 'nasty', didn't you use that one up on Hillary?

Oh, wait. All you have in your "good' brain is an extemely limited playbook. Your arsenal is limited by your willful ignorance. You have two cards. One is racist, the other, sexist. 

I challenge you to challenge her in a real way. Challenge her on factual policy, not the crap you've made up. 

Challenge her on her experience. 

Challenge her on her decisions. But real ones. 

Challenge the Biden/Harris ticket by giving the Postal Service everything they need to facilitate mail-in voting without incident.

Challenge her by keeping your crooked tentacles away from suppressing the vote. Period.

Challenge her on her intellect. I dare you.

"Woman, Person, Man, Camera, uuhhh TV."

This 'woman' is about to be the 'person', sharing the ticket with an actual good 'man', and, on 'camera' will kick your ass at the debates and, ultimately, in the election, and yes, it will be all over 'tv.'


May this new crack in that stubborn glass cause a shatter, a beautiful mosaic, never to be replaced.  

May this new mosaic become the floor, the foundation on which limitless staircases will be based.

May this be the beginning of the end of the chaos, the last curtain call of the lunatic circus. 

May the adults that are about to enter the room, actual leaders, step in with a plan, with purpose.

May every little girl look to this moment and see herself without limits, ambition is awesome, there is no need to hide your shine.

May every little one look to this moment, seeing first hand how to stand up for yourself and others, face bullies, and come out fine.


For your summer reading pleasure...

Once Broken by [Margy Reid]

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