Friday, October 16, 2020

The More Things Change...


Although we still are living in a bizarro version of our lives, it's comforting to know that not everything has changed.

Kids still climb trees, jump into piles of leaves, play board games, and create scenarios in which clones of Lexi hang out with vintage Donnie and Marie. 

As this virus stalks humanity into the fall and winter seasons, the temperatures will dip and people will head indoors. We can already see the number of cases ticking upward. Although it isn't at all realistic to think that we can protect every single person from getting this thing, it is possible, necessary, and our duty as humans to keep as many people from getting it as we can.

At this point, we know what we have to do. People still have different opinions as to how serious to take this, mask use, and so on. The bottom line remains, stubbornly, the virus doesn't care about opinions.  

Opinions won't get us beyond this thing. Fighting about opinions won't get us beyond this thing. 

Our actions will get us to the other side of this nightmare. Lifelong epidemiologists will get us to the other side of this. International science grounded in fact will get us to the other side of this.

Vaccines are in the works. They will help. They will not be a magic bullet. They will take time to take full effect. 

That's okay. 

We can do this. We can take care of each other. It's not sexy. It's not ideal. It's not impossible. Hard, but not impossible.

We haven't been living in a vacuum for the past eight or so months. We've learned things about this virus and each other. 

Now, we need to take what we've learned and move forward. 

We got this.



This is insane. The actual President of the United States of America spread a conspiracy theory that Obama and Biden killed a Seal team and didn't kill Bin Laden. That Bin Laden is alive.


This is insane. The President of the United States of America refuses to disavow QAnon.


He likes to pretend he doesn't know stuff. 

Two things. 

He should ABSOLUTELY know these things. IT'S HIS JOB TO KNOW THESE THINGS!

So either he knows, and is lying, or he truly is completely unaware, and is incompetent. 

You can't have it both ways.

He either believes the nonsense he spreads, which, in and of itself is a huge issue, or he doesn't believe any of it and is intentionally feeding gross misinformation to his vulnerable followers, filling them with fear and hate.

You can't have it both ways.

You are either fighting to protect pre-existing health conditions or taking the case to the Supreme Court fighting to kill the ACA which protects them.

You can't have it both ways.


The next few weeks are going to be interesting, to say the least. We have elections going on here, there are elections going on south of the border, and last, but not least, I have to figure out a way to make sure  Halloween is fun, filled with candy, and scary enough to make the trick or treaters squeal just a little.

We got this.


Until next time...

May we all look within ourselves and do what we know in our hearts is right.

May we band together and keep our aim true, bringing the end in sight.

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