Saturday, February 13, 2021

Courage vs. Cowardice



Well, that was interesting.

Trump was practically and morally responsible for the horrors that happened in the US on Jan 6. That's the consensus. They didn't acquit on the facts. Okay then. 43 Republicans voted to acquit because they are scared of losing their jobs. They can blather on and on about procedure all they want, and I could grow a beautiful garden in the fertilizer that provides. How do we know this? Because their actions tell the truth twice as often as their words. 

The argument that the cowards too scared to go against Cheeto Biff are using to excuse their chickenshittery is that he has already been removed from office, so to vote to convict and evict is moot.


The thing is Congress impeached the bad makeup tutorial while he was still in office. They went to present the article of impeachment to the senate a few days after the insurrection, also while he was still in office, and were turned away by McTurtleTurkey Wattle because... well... he just didn't want to accept it. 

So, now he claims he had to acquit based on the very technicality he created. Okay. Hey, McTurtle Turkey Wattle is nothing if not a lying, self-serving hypocrite. So this is just him being him.

Then there is Eugene Goodman. Then there are all of the people who put their asses on the line to protect the very people who gave Biff another pass, another mulligan. 

How do you look this guy, Mr. Goodman, in the eye, give him a well-deserved standing ovation, a medal, and then kiss the ring of the very guy who put Mr. Goodman in the position to test his tremendous courage.

Thank you to all who were beaten with flags, bats, poles, riot shields, were tased, battered, and killed. Thank you so much, but by the way, we are going to let the guy who made it happen skate, k? Oh, and by the way, you need to set that all aside and put yourself on the line to keep my ass safe tomorrow too, k? We good? Oh, and because we let him skate, his cult followers might very well use Jan 6th as a dry run, a dress rehearsal, so tomorrow, there will likely be more of them, they'll very likely be better organized, oh, and, yeah, they will be carrying deadlier weapons, K? We good?


The courage it took for Mr. Goodman and all of the others who physically put their bodies between the danger and those they were charged to protect.

The courage of those who came back to the floors of Congress and Senate that day to finalize the results of the election.

The courage of those who showed up for work the next day to clean up the aftermath, the feces, the broken glass, the blood, the portrait of disrespect. 

The courage to face the fact that he lied to you. A lot. He lost. He knew he lost by Nov. 5th. He panicked. He lied some more. He begged for your money. He took your money. He made up crazy crap about voter fraud. He got you to believe it. All of it. He got you to break the law for him. He expects you to go to jail for him. He'll keep your money as he golfs at his mansion. 

The Cowardice.

Bowing to bullies has always rubbed me the wrong way. I'm genetically incapable of doing it. 

The cowardice it takes to fear losing your job so much that you are willing to fifty shades yourself without any of the fun parts. 

The cowardice needed to perpetuate the big lie that fuelled the fire, live through the terror itself, only to walk back on to the floor, now filled with flop sweat and rage of those gullible enough to follow the Culty Conman, to walk back on to the floor only to further push the lie.

The cowardice needed to live through that terror but let the useful idiot walk anyway because he might "primary" you. 

The cowardice it takes to not face or embrace reality because it's an inconvenient truth that would require you to have some semblance of a spine. 

The chickenshittery is mind-numbing. It's baffling. 

Courage vs. Cowardice.

Courage is not about bravado or might, it's something that runs still and deep, lying in wait for when it's needed. Courage is being afraid, but doing it anyway because it's the right thing to do.

Cowardice lives in the shallows, easy to employ, requires nothing, a parasite of character. 

We all have both, courage and cowardice. Feed the one you wish to make stronger. 

So, to the jellyfish...

What exactly are you so scared of?

If you are up for re-election in 2022 voting to acquit will still be fresh in the minds of constituents. You might survive a primary, but will you actually get elected? You do know that people outside of the Beauty Queen Peeper's base vote, right? Ask Loeffler.

If you have ambitions of running for President in 2024. Well, the Pornstar Reject just lost by 7 million votes, pretended he won and terrorized the whole world with his bid for becoming king. Besides, cult followers follow the leader, not the party, or ideology. They don't historically transfer. If they did the "Christians" would have dumped Scar right after the Billy Bush bus tape or Stormy, or the whole ripping babies from parents and putting them in cages thing. If they did, Charlie Manson's 'family' would have found a new daddy. 

If you are thinking of running after 2024, what is the problem? Do you, in all actuality think this then, 80-year-old, obese, junk food scarfing, Corona survivor will still be living outside of prison or senior care home? Person, woman, man, camera, tv...

Look, even if... even if he has all of these magical powers that his delusions tell him he does, even then, are you willing to surrender what's left of your soul for a job? Who am I kidding, you already did. 


May you find your courage as you walk toward your future, no matter what it may bring.

 No. really, assemble a search party, lift every rock, check the junk drawer, under the bed, in the stinky storage container you forgot you rented on I-95. Seriously. Find. It. 


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