So, it's Easter. The second since this friggin virus has put a chokehold on the humans of this planet. Last year, we did a drive-by Easter, dropping treats at the doorsteps of loved ones. This year, unfortunately, it has to be a working Easter, because, well, running a small, service-based business during a year-plus long pandemic is no joke.
Life has its regular storms, for sure, there will always be ups and downs in every aspect of life. That's one of a handful of things that are absolutely guaranteed during our time on this earth.
This one, though, is tough. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not going to pretend we have had it nearly as hard as millions of people in other parts of the world, but I'm also not going to pretend like it's been a walk in the park.
We are close to winning this war, but we aren't there yet. Please stay vigilant, be safe, keep each other safe, and get vaccinated.
I don't know about you, but I, for one, am tired of living through the endless storm that has forced us into a life fairly void of colour. There is no magic. It takes us doing what we need to do. Period.
So, until then. Until it's over. Until... we keep stepping. We keep moving. We keep going. We know that if we do, if we keep slogging through, keep putting one foot in front of the other, we get through to the other side.
We know that soon we will be able to be spontaneous again. We will be able to blow up our bubbles with an explosion of suppressed hugs, and once again see the joy in unhindered smiles. We will attend big weddings, birthday parties, concerts, and sporting events. We will, once again, live lives in blinding, unapologetic colour.
We got this.
Another thing....
I've been following the trial of Chauvin, the cop that knelt on George Floyd's neck until he died.
My take so far?
Chauvin is a garbage human who should have NEVER been allowed to become a cop. Never.
The fact that a person like him is able to make the cut proves beyond any doubt that the bar for making it into law enforcement is WAY too low.
I hope we witness some semblance of real justice in the end. I hope this sparks monumental change that so desperately needs to take place.
This, by the way, is not a problem exclusive to the United States. Every country carries a level of racism, bigotry, and prejudice. Some are just better at disguising it as other things.
We need to do better. We need to be better.
And now, I gotta run.
Until next time...
May our lives soon become saturated in brilliance, leaving the grey behind.
May we shake off the shadows that may want to linger, free any darkness entwined.
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