Saturday, November 6, 2021

Gotta Love A Grassy Knoll...



Okay, so this story came to my attention, this week.

When I first heard it, I thought, for sure, it had to be a prank of some kind. 

I mean, actual, real people can't honestly, really, believe this, right? Right?!


The premise is this, as far as I can gather...

Hundreds of people gathered at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, some on the infamous grassy knoll, not to honour the anniversary of the assassination of JFK. Nope, not that.

They gathered, stood, sat, and generally just milled about. At some point, someone decided they needed a mantra. With all of the great ones out there, you know, like 'no justice, no peace,' 'make love, not war,' 'give peace a chance,' and countless others, they chose this...

"Did we land on the moon?" with the response of "No". 

Yup, with every combination of words known to man at their disposal, every one, this is what they went with.

Okay, so this gives you an idea that this particular group of people may have what you might surmise as a unique take on how the world works, what logic looks and sounds like, and the concept of reality.

Apparently, they were there because, well, because JFK Junior was supposed to somehow show up despite the fact that he died 22 years ago.

Yup, the chain of logic, or lack thereof supposedly goes like this.

JFK Junior faked his death, and has been in hiding for the past 22 years... without anyone finding out or leaking the story. Twenty-two years. Not a single sighting. Nobody giving up the story. Not. One. Person.

And then... they thought he was going to announce that he was re-instating the Grand Cheeto as President of the United States, and he...JFK Junior, would become vice-president. Because... that's exactly how that works.

And then... he, JFK Junior, would declare himself President, he would then make Michael Flynn his vice-president and then promote Trump to King. Just like the authors of the American constitution surely envisioned.

Any rational person can see the flaws, right? It's not just me?

Even if you can put aside the fact that JFK Junior was a Democrat as assuredly as he was a Kennedy, and the unlikelihood that he and the likes of Donny boy even knew each other except by name, he, Junior, is not alive anymore. Not even a little. 

When, shockingly, JFK Junior did not appear and make all these fantastical announcements, a buzz immediately began to circulate. Now, he would emerge at the Rolling Stones concert that was soon going to be taking place. That Keith Richards was really JFK Junior. This is somehow how he had managed to keep his 'fake' death a secret for all these years. 

Sooooo... Keith Richards didn't exist prior to Junior's death? Interesting...

On its face, this reads like a fever dream of a writer drenched in childhood trauma with a belly full of magic mushrooms and rancid moonshine.

On its face.

Beneath the surface, however, it's just sad.

These poor people are being fleeced of their hard-earned money. They buy all the merchandise. They give their credit cards a workout, entering the numbers on sites promising them that they are doing their patriotic duty 'saving' the country. They are marks. They buy all the lies that lead them to these crazy places. 

They never lost the childlike wonder of buying the sea monkeys, and magic rings touted on the back cover of comic books. They still entertain the belief that things will look and perform exactly as advertised on TV.  They allow themselves to be manipulated with scary stories about villains that come from far-off lands, that look and sound differently. They are pushed to fear and hate everything they don't understand. They expect Buzz Lightyear to actually fly.

Like Buzz Lightyear, Trump does not fly. Unlike Buzz Lightyear he doesn't fall with style, he just falls... 

For example... they have been coached to fear, and therefore hate the vaccines for Covid, Critical Race Theory, Social Programs, and countless other things.

When asked to explain why, there are no real answers. Because there can't be. They don't exist. 

In the meantime, I'm planning a dinner party.

Elvis, Robin Williams, and Maya Angelou are coming. They are going to announce that they are going to declare me as Prime Minister. We are going to write the biopic. Elvis will do the soundtrack, Maya will help write it, and Robin will play me in the movie, Mrs. Doubtfire style. Boom. 


Until next time...

May the veil be lifted before it's too late.

May understanding replace the fear and hate.

May we get to a place of integrity, where doing the right thing matters.

May we get there before too many people's lives are left in shatters.


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