Friday, November 18, 2022

So, This Is November...



Saskatchewan skylines, and the first hints of baking for Christmas. 

The season begins with making new memories and cherishing those that live within us. Some carry on traditions passed down through generations, some choose not to, or have none to carry. 

Everyone approaches this time of year in their own way. As it should be.

For me... right now.... this is where I sit.

I fight against the darkness that the extended nights bring.  Snowmen, wreaths, and baking are my weapons of choice. My army of sarcastic, hilarious, bear-hugging, taste-testing soldiers is never out of reach.

I fight against the grief that still, occasionally, attempts to grip me, triggered by the most unexpected things. A song, a smell, a familiar grin echoed on a face too young to recognize it, or where it came from. 

I fight for time to spend with those who matter most. 

So, if you, like me, need a lift, find it.

If that means putting up decorations when others think it's too early... do it.

If that means baking too much... do it.

If that means watching cheesy, sappy holiday movies that all have the same plot, same characters, and same endings... go for it.

If that means connecting with loved ones a bit more often than usual... do it. 

Whatever it means, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, including you... do it. 

So, if you see or know someone who starts celebrating the holidays early, cheer them on. Keep your eyerolls, and judgments to yourself. You might not need it, or want it, but they do, and that's okay. 

So bring on the tinsel, the cookies, the garland, the music, the decorations. Let the holiday spirit swallow you up. I'm ready for it.


May we each give room for those to do, or not do, whatever they need to, to get by.

May we spend this time lifting each other up, making each other laugh, not cry.

May you find what you need to bring a smile to your face.

May we all remember that life is not a competition, not a race. 


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