Friday, March 10, 2023

Just Be A Penguin...

Photo Credit: Unknown

Photo Credit: Randy Reid



The top photo is an image of what becomes visible when an iceberg flips upside down. When the hidden is brought to the surface. The penguins, as you can see, don't care. After all, it's the same iceberg, it's simply shining a bit differently, and looks a little different than they have become accustomed to.  The iceberg has revealed the most beautiful part of itself. It's not what the penguins are used to, but they accept, love, and respect it all the same. 

It's natural, it's necessary, it's beautiful when things evolve, flip, reveal, discover. Do we have to completely understand, in-depth, the process by which the most beautiful things in nature come to be discovered to appreciate their beauty? Short answer? No, no we don't. Do we need to understand the science behind what makes a rainbow a rainbow to admire it in awe? Again? No, no we don't. 

The bottom photo shows what we see every day. This landscape's treasures live on the surface. It sparkles and shines without hindrance.  It's uncomplicated, requires little understanding, it's what we are used to. We accept it as it is. There is beauty in that as well. 

When someone discovers that they have treasures that are living beneath the surface, because of the society we live in, maybe because of their personal circumstance, they may be hesitant to share them. They might need a minute to get comfortable within themselves before they are willing to show themselves in full shine. 

You might know them as a prairie pasture, when they just might be an iceberg on the verge of flipping. When this happens, when you have the honour bestowed upon you to have their shine revealed to you, you have some choices to make. 

You can try to flip them back, chip away, push, shove, ignore, scream yell, eventually stripping away the shine until there is none, leaving nothing but a broken, bruised, self-loathing piece of ice. 

Or, you can be a penguin. Accept the beauty, appreciate their sparkle, embrace their newly discovered treasure. Love them the same, or better yet, even more, because there will be asshats out there that will try to diminish them. They will need all of your extra, to love them through the ignorance. 

Be a penguin. 

Do you need to completely understand every aspect of their discovery to embrace them for who they truly are, again, short answer? No, no you don't.  These newly discovered treasures have always been part of them. They are still the same at their core, the only difference is that they have given themselves permission to flip and reveal all of their sparkle, all of their colours, in all of their glory. You don't need to know what makes a rainbow to be in awe of its beauty. The more you embrace them, the brighter they will be able to shine.

Can you imagine a world made up only of pastures? Do you want to? I don't. No, no I don't. 

Accept, embrace, love, and respect. Be a penguin. Not an asshat. 


May we learn to react with love, and respect, not fear, not hate.

May we accept, embrace, not rip and tear, creating a dismal fate. 

May you come to understand that you don't need permission to shine. 

May you see your beauty, your worth, find your penguins, you'll be fine. 






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