Saturday, April 1, 2023

So, What Do You Do......



So What do you do when the world seems turbulent and you still have six-foot snowbanks in your yard? Well, personally, I bake. 

There always seems to be a lot happening at any given moment when it comes to current events.

Finland becoming part of NATO, finally.

Right-wing asshats trying to infect Canada with their poisonous rhetoric and dirty deeds.

The former Cheeto in Charge was FINALLY handed his first indictment. First, being the operative word there, as there are likely at the very least, a few more coming down the pike.

Our neighbours to the South had more babies slaughtered by weapons designed and meant for the sole purpose of war. Proving, once again where their priorities lie. 

Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and it is an invasion, roars on, but the advantage is leaning more in Ukraine's favour all the time. 

And that's just this week...

So Finland becoming part of NATO. It can only mean good things, as far as I can tell. Strengthening the co-operation among Nations who are willing to fight for democracy, cherish it, and want to nurture it, is extremely important. It becomes even more critical when you take into consideration the noise from those who like to ban books, wants to criminalize entire swaths of humanity, and remove women's rights over what happens to their bodies. 

Right-wing poison is doing its level best to seep into and take hold of our Home on Native Land. They are trying to turn our great white north into Florida with its backward thinking. No thanks. 

Indicted! Finally! If this wasn't so serious, it would be absolutely comical, the way his sycophants are tripping all over themselves to get the first taste of his backside. They can't seem to kiss it hard or fast enough. They are literally on the verge of tears. "If they can indict him, they could indict any of us!" Seems to be a favourite talking point. Yeah, that's the point. If there is enough evidence and testimony to support an indictment, the person or persons under investigation should be indicted. That's how the judicial system is supposed to work. They fought against his impeachments, they claimed you can't indict a sitting president, but now that he's out of office, they still are arguing that he should get a pass.

 It makes absolutely no sense. They argue that indicting him is bad for their Country. The opposite is true. On the world stage, it's extremely important for democracy the world over, to show that there is accountability, no matter who you are. No one is above the law. Period. Freaking out, trying to claim there is no case before the charges are even revealed or any evidence is provided, shows your hand. You don't care what he did, you think he should get away with it. 

Innocent people have no need to attack their prosecutors. If he is innocent, the evidence will show it. It's ridiculously comical, the depth of hypocrisy at play here. The chants of "lock her up", that have been screamed for years, with 30 count them, 30 republican run investigations into Hillary producing 0 evidence of wrongdoing. Those same mouths want to claim that this Tangerine Tyrant is being politically persecuted. He has skimmed the edges of consequence for decades, criming his little heart out along the way, it's just finally all catching up to him. 

The funniest part? If he had just never run for president, he would have probably continued to carry on criming in private. He could still be making all the sketchy deals with even sketchier people. Screwing over tradespeople, frauding all over the place, and getting away with it, all of it. 

But he made a different choice. He chose to shine the spotlight on himself, his business dealings, his racism, his misogyny, anti-semitism, his homophobia, his xenophobia. He chose that. He chose to grift his followers into funding his crimes. He chose to try to intimidate, manipulate, cheat on his taxes, steal documents, then claim ownership of them. He chose to make phone calls trying to extort non-existent votes from places where there were none. He pushed people to do illegal and violent things on his behalf, thinking he could skirt the edges just a little longer. 

Our neighbours to the South, for some reason, keep electing people into office that prioritize power, money, and their gun fetish over their babies. The "pro-life" screamers just let them die. They actually suggest arming teachers. You don't trust them to choose books, you call them groomers, you want to criminalize teaching history, but you trust them to carry and use guns in very close proximity to your kids. You think that active shooter drills are normal. They’re not. Ask anybody outside of the U.S. Empty thoughts and prayers are exactly the insult they seem. 

Right-wingers are going out of their way to carry Putin's water. Trying to downplay his horrific invasion of a sovereign Ukraine. This baffles me. It makes no sense. It can't. He's an evil dictator that gives no value to human life. All he cares about is keeping power. By whatever means necessary. Period. 

So, if you actually DO care about how your country is perceived by the world, here it goes.

Quit defending the asshat you made the grave mistake of making your cult leader and start defending your kids. The living, breathing, walking-around, skipping, jumping, learning, loving kids. 

We see you. We are watching. How you move forward in this moment will be written in the history books with permanent ink, for all the world to see, for generations to come.

Not through the eyes of conspiracy, but through the effects of your actions.