Thursday, August 3, 2023

And Just Like That... We Only Have Half The Summer Left!



In the part of the world I call home, summer is half over. 

School supplies are creeping into the stores, along with fall fashions. The commercials on tv are acting like summer is already in the rearview mirror.

What's the rush?

There is always talk in the ethos about living in the moment. Being present. Living one day, one moment, at a time.

That sounds awesome. the thing is, how are we supposed to do that while at the exact same time, we are constantly being bombarded with what's coming next. I can almost guarantee that I will still be sporting tank tops and shorts when the first Christmas ads grace the screens. 

Can you just give us a break? Allergy med ads in Feb. Summer ads in April. Back to school ones in July. Well, it's August now, so the pumpkin latte ads will be hitting any minute, followed closely by ones for Halloween, and Christmas. 

Well, I've decided that I'm not going to give them permission to make me feel rushed. I'm not going to let them make me feel stressed that I am somehow "behind" if I'm not buying snow tires in September. That I'm going to miss all the "deals" if I don't run out or go online and buy all the fall things this minute. That I have to constantly run to stay ahead of whatever imaginary tragedy will happen if I just let myself enjoy summer.

I'm reclaiming my time.

I'm not going to allow myself to get sucked into the void of hurry-up. Life provides enough of that without encouragement. I'm not going to add to it on purpose. 

So, yeah, do what you need to do when you need to, not when the marketing people say your need to. As long as your kids have what they need when school actually starts, you're good. 

You do you. If you LIKE to shop early, do it. If you don't, don't. 

Reclaim your time. It's yours, you get to decide how it's spent. 


May time slow down to whatever pace works best for you and yours.

May you reclaim your time, spending it however you wish, dancing in the rain, eating s'mores.

May you simply let the fabricated rush, pass you by.

May hold on to the moments, squeezing out every drop of joy, laughter, and satisfied sigh. 


It never seems to fail.

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