Friday, November 17, 2023

And Let The Seasonal Games Begin...



Okay, it's only the middle of November and I've already seen multiple posts on social media about saying Merry Christmas, and how if you say Happy Holidays instead it is somehow insulting to those of the Christian faith. 

I mean, there are at least 11 different religious and cultural holidays between now and the end of December, so when you are greeting someone you don't know, and you have absolutely no knowledge if, or what holidays they might celebrate, isn't it simply more polite to not assume the holiday they celebrate is Christmas? 

I've never understood why people get their backs up! After all, isn't this supposed to be the season of peace and joy? That should include everybody, right, not just the people who believe in Jesus? I can't help but wonder when Christians will embrace the understanding that their beliefs don't trump everyone else's. They aren't more important, they aren't more correct, they aren't more superior, they aren't more anything. 

Just the same. That's it. 

So say Merry Christmas if you wish. Say Happy Holidays if Christmas isn't the holiday you celebrate. Say both if you want to. It really doesn't matter. Really.

The only thing that matters is to remember to be kind, be generous of spirit, be inclusive.

After all, you can't really belittle the beliefs of others and claim it's "Christmas" spirit without realizing what massive hypocrisy that represents, can you? Can you?

You can't hold Jesus up with one hand and completely obliterate his teachings with the other and have that make sense, right?

I just kind of feel it defeats the whole concept of Christmas to get so bitter about it that you find the need to create some imaginary war. 

Can we all agree that the world has enough war, enough hate, enough bitterness? Why make up things to add to the foray? 

Let's quit pretending that the "war on Christmas" is real. Okay? Can we do that? Let's just wish each other well, using whatever words make you comfortable, and call it a day. 


May we all come to understand that this nonsense war of phrase serves absolutely no purpose.


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