Thursday, July 11, 2024

This Is About Them...



When I think about the state of our world, tech, the environment, how humanity treats each other, the future, I think of the precious beings in these photos. Yes, they are mine, but I think of not just them, but the entirety of their generations and those that follow.

Now, don't get me wrong, my grandbabies are not growing up in the lap of luxury, their Millenial parents are hustlers, working hard to pay the bills, often running out of money before they run out of month. They are delicious blends of brown, neuro-spiciness, dyslexia, queer fabulousness, with a little ginger thrown in. But... and it's a big but... they are still incredibly privileged. 

Privileged, because they have a multi-generational, strong, safety net of love supporting them, making sure they feel safe being, and growing into all of who they are. They know that no matter what kind of ignorant, poisonous arrows are thrown their way, they have a steadfast, unwavering, unconditional army behind them, ready to fight with them, and for them. That gives them a certain confidence as they walk through this world. 

Not all kids have that. Some kids go their whole lives searching for that soft space, that safe space, that space where they can exhale without negative consequence. That safety net. 

There is a whole swath of humanity that is determined to drag societal norms backwards all while it's being proven every single day through the actions of these Neanderthal thinkers that we still have sooooo far to go to assure actual equality for all. They want to strip away my grandson's right to marry and be a dad, if he so chooses, they want my granddaughters to give up their right to determine what happens to their own bodies. They want to refuse to dismantle the constructs and institutions that were put in place to feed white privilege, and continue to do so. No, we aren't responsible for our ancestors' horrorific acts, but we are responsible for keeping intact the institutions that continue to perpetuate the ideals they used to justify those horrors, the institutions from which we still unfairly benefit.

This swath wants to out kids to their parents with absolutely no regard as to what that may mean for them. So many of these kids are disowned, thrown away, becoming homeless. They end up in a love-deprived, dangerous life that worsens at every turn. Addicted, abused, causing self-harm and having to do things we don't like to think about simply to survive. They grow up to be the bodies we like to step over on the streets, and want swept up and moved out of sight. 

This swath wants to dictate, be in the room, and force childbirth. They want to decide whether or not you can have access to contraception, and a multitude of other kinds health care that are absolutely none of their business, all while they can't seem to find a way to prosecute rapists and pedophiles without inflicting even more trauma on survivors, if they prosecute them at all. As long as any hint of the questions of "what was she wearing?", or "was she drinking?", "was she alone at night" or any of the other idiotic stupidity are even remotely floating in the ether, we have unmitigated proof that we have a  looooooong way to go. 

As long as there are racist, queerphobic, ignorant slurs being given oxygen through flying toxic banners, or trashing rainbows, becoming bolder with permission given, usually under the guise of religion. As long as there is even a threat of banning queer books. As long as equal rights for all are questioned. As long as denial of our actual history remains even the smallest part of what any of our politicians want to make part of policy or legislation. As long as the term 'climate change denier' exists. As long as even one of these exists, we have a loooooong way to go. 

This can't be a two steps forward , one step back type of scenario. We need to press forward... only, always, and in all ways. 

This is about them. It's not about antiquated ideals driven by privileged egos and greed. 

The people who want to drag us backward are dangerous on many levels. Those who want to help us move forward may not be perfect, but they are moving in the right direction even if imperfectly. 

This is about them. Their education, their healthcare, their rights to thrive in all of who they are.

You are not required to understand. You are not required to change your mind overnight. You are not required to be comfortable. You are not required to give up... anything... really. Your only requirement is to not stand in their way.

These are the generations that will be running the world when we are sitting in a corner drooling in our soup. We want them to be compassionate. We want them to be caring. We want them to be kind. We want them to be critical thinkers. We want them to be educated. 

Let me appeal to your sense of self-preservation. We want them to be kind world leaders, driven not by the same greed that threatens to bring us to our knees, but by the compassion and inclusivity that will save us all. 

This is about them.

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