Friday, September 27, 2024

38 Days and Counting...


In about 38 days our neighbours to the south will be making a decision that will have a global impact.

Yes, I'm Canadian, and proud to be.

Many of the negative messages I get come at that fact with a certain vitriol that I don't understand. I am very aware that I don't live in your country. That is not an accident. But living outside of your borders doesn't make us immune to your choices.

If our southern neighbours choose to again put this failed, willfully ignorant, old, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, narcissistic, feeble-minded, bloated, orange, adjudicated rapist, convicted felon in the Whitehouse, it will have an impact on us all. 

The poison that he and his bum-dwellers spew spreads, infecting everything it touches as you would expect of any venom. The permission it gives to racists and other backwards thinking mouth-breathers to inflict violence and other cruelties upon any and all that don't fit their shiny, white boxes has been, and continues to be, palpable. 

The Russian cheerleaders that can't seem to grasp the fact that allowing the vengeful, bald bully that steals their "elections" every goddamn time, to get his way, in regards to Ukraine, will have absolutely no reason to stop there. The bloated cheeto will simply step aside and allow it to happen. Why? Because he is a dictator-worshipping wannabe.

Why do you think he said in a speech, during this campaign cycle, on camera, in front of hearing people, that if you just vote for him this one, last time, you won't ever need to vote again?!

His babysitters try to pass it off as a joke, like they always do, each and every time he says something that gives away their project 2025 agenda too bluntly. In other words, when he brings the darkest parts of the map to Gilead into the light. 

Have you ever looked at the faces of the littles, including his own grandkids, when he is touching, holding and kissing them? All without their consent, by the way. And yes, children are allowed to say no to all of that. They look, at the least, uncomfortable as hell, at the most, frickin' terrified. They look how the majority of women collectively felt when he said the other day that he will be our "protector." I think he forgot how to pronounce predator. I know when I heard the words come from his mouth, my body had a visceral, involuntary reaction of hair standing on end, sweating, and a barbed-wire knot forming in my stomach. 

If we, as a world citizenry, allow these right-wing conspiracy-loving, fact-retardant asshats, to bully their way into running the planet, we will very likely cease to have one before our bloodlines run cold. The level of science denial is mind-boggling. 

I know some who just want to not engage. Just not vote. Every person who refrains from voting, knowing full well what is at risk, is guilty of giving those who want to drag us backward, the permission to do just that. 

Some say the reason they don't want to vote is because they don't have enough information. So, get it. Inform yourself so you can make an informed decision. 

In lieu of putting in the effort needed for that... simply pay attention. Unless you are living under a rock, it's pretty easy to determine the direction each political party is headed. Which direction is most cohesive with your values? Do you want your kids and grandkids to have the ability to make any and all decisions about what happens or does not happen to their bodies? Do you want your gay grandchildren to be able to get married and be parents someday, if they so choose? Do you want your child to be able to safely grow up without having to hide who they are? Do you want them to not have to endure the trauma of shooter drills and, god forbid, the reason there ARE shooter drills?

Our southern neighbours, the world is counting on you. And that is not an exaggeration. It is not hyperbole. We are obligated, as citizens of the earth, to protect her and ALL those who walk upon her. We need to collectively stand up to bullies who want to turn the already huge gap between the haves and have-nots into an unbridgeable chasm that creates such an advantage over the labouring class, we will soon find ourselves living in a society that has accepted what will become akin to borderline slavery.

They look to strip us of unions, and safety nets. They want to keep wages down, profits repugnantly high, housing costs beyond what one job can pay for, keeping the workforce exhausted and defeated. All this as they tower over us, watching us fighting to keep our heads above water. They watch from a safe distance, as to not get too close to the sweat, through diamond-encrusted binoculars, sipping Dom, lounging on the upper decks of their mega-yachts... laughing, knowing they could have been stopped, if we had only chosen to do so. 



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