So, another year has come and gone.
As we look forward to 2025, we know there will be challenges, some hurdles, some blindsided... of course there will, what would make this year different from any other?
We know this, so we can't claim surprise when it happens. Does that mean we can't be optimistic?
Absolutely Not!
It simply means we move forward with our eyes open, with a mature outlook that doesn't create an unrealistic expectation of a future full of nothing but rainbows and sunshine.
We walk through this next year with our hearts and minds open to every adventure and opportunity that comes our way.
We walk through, ready to make the best of whatever comes our way, good, and not so good. Creating joy, even when it's tough to do so, for that's when it becomes the most important.
We walk, doing our best, as defined by our own conscience, because no one else has the ability to judge what that looks like.
The future is defined not only by the plans we make, the paths we choose, and the effort we put in. It is equally defined by the way we choose to react to things that happen beyond our control.
The best and worst thing about the future is this simple fact... we have no idea and no control over how things play out. The best, and only thing we can do is buckle up, and do our best.
It's exciting, it's scary, It's reality.
Feed the positive. Where you place your energy matters. Whatever you nurture will grow, will thrive. Dealing with hard things, negative things, is unavoidable, but there is a difference between dealing with them and taking up residence where they live.
Let's just deal with them, heal from them, and put them where they belong. Where all of our life lessons should live...our, "this is what I've learned through life experience " toolbox. Where we can draw from it whenever we need to.
We don't have to get stuck where the hurdles happen, staring at them, measuring them, weighing them, examining them beyond reason, giving them more energy than they need or deserve. Let's assess them long enough to get a good idea where they came from, learning how to recognize and avoid that particular hurdle down the road, then, get around it, over it, through it, whatever the circumstance requires... and move the hell on.
Not all things that get thrown into our paths are going to be hurdles. Unexpected opportunities have an equal ability to show up, seemingly out of thin air. Embracing them can require an element of courage. The same courage it takes to overcome hurdles is sometimes needed to make the most of opportunities. A willingness to be open, maybe stepping outside of what makes us comfortable, a bit of out-of-the-box thinking.
Please know this. Deep emotional trauma is NOT one of the hurdles I am talking about. That is a different thing altogether. This is something a lot of people have to work through above and beyond life's regular hurdles, and should never be trivialized. It requires more time, examination, and care than any other kind of life hardship. This kind of trauma is caused by, and scars deeper than anyone who hasn't experienced it can understand. Give grace, space, and understanding. The scars may be well disguised or completely invisible, you don't know who bears them, so, as you tread, please do so, leading with compassion.
So, moving forward through 2025...
Be kind, be gentle toward yourself and others.
Embrace opportunity and joy, and build your toolbox with the rest.
Buckle up, Love, and simply do your best!
We've Got This!
Happy New Year!