Friday, February 21, 2025

You Just Don't Seem To Understand....


None of us survive without our fellow humans.

We just don't. The idea that any one person, any one province, state or territory, any one country can survive, let alone thrive without assistance of any kind from anyone, is nothing short of delusional.

To think you can simply walk through the world demanding what belongs to others, shaking your fists, stomping your heavily-booted feet, and, because you have money and are obnoxious, feel everyone should bend to your bidding without any thought to their own needs, is just absolutely insane.

To think that you alone are so important that the entire world needs to revolve around you, that the collective remainder of the planet can't thrive without you, is main character syndrome running amok. 

To think wielding ridiculous threats at those who have done nothing but be good friends, neighbours, and trading partners, who have stood with you through times of trouble, and cheered with you in times of triumph, somehow makes you anything but a pariah, you need to seek help. 

What are you trying to achieve? What is the long game? Do you even have the remotest clue as to what you are doing?  What you're doing to important, amicable relationships that are nearly a century old? Relationships not only with those who have aligned themselves with you in the past, but your relationship with your very own citizens?

What happens after you and those who think like you are gone? What kind of mess will be left? 

The kind of trust being broken in this moment will take generations to repair, if it ever can be repaired at all.

All of this damage, for what? To enhance the power and wealth of a select, delusional few who seem to truly believe they are actually better than everyone else? 

The fact that we need each other is generally learned very early in life, at least most of us become aware of this before we can walk. Then, there are some who think they get where they are completely on their own. They rewrite their histories to fit their narrative of self-aggrandization, minimizing the meaningful, crucial interactions with, and contributions from, those that have had a hand, lended a hand, and given a hand up, along the way.

The bad thing is, you just don't seem to understand...

The sad thing is, you just don't seem to care...

The worst thing is, you are creating a world filled with uncertainty and hate for absolutely no reason.

You are creating the threat, then convincing the gullible you are saving them from said threat.

Start a theoretical dumpster fire, level the entire city, convincing those who will believe anything, that you had to destroy everything to put out the fire that didn't actually exist, then throw yourself a parade to applaud your imagined strength and heroism. Sell your hero merch to the deceived for disgusting profit. Escalate. Repeat. 

You are, in this moment, creating a history from which we will all need to heal... not celebrate. 


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