Hey There Folks,
First things first, I am happy to say that "Lexi" showed up safe and sound and in plenty of time for my reading in Kindersley! Woot!
Yes, I was very much relieved to see the two boxes sitting in my entrance when I got home from work on Thursday. I really hadn't slept much since I knew it was going to be touch and go.
The reading itself went great. Thanks very much to the Kindersley library staff, my hubby,(my helper for that day), and to all those who came out for the reading. The crowd was a very nice combination of munchkins and parents alike. A few familiar faces, and plenty of new ones too! When I was reading the part where Lexi is putting on the rain boots, one little one started pointing to the rain boots she happened to be wearing, and started whispering, "Just like mine, Mommy, just like mine!" It was fun. Read to some shiny little faces, sold some books, squeezed a couple of adorable baby boys, did some visiting, great way to end a week! Oh yeah, and I think the lady from the paper was there, well, somebody was taking a bunch of pictures, so we'll see what happens with that!
To top off a pretty nice day, I came home and checked my facebook. There I saw that one of the Mom's that had attended the reading with her little girl and a her friend, had left me a message. She said they loved the story because now all of their clothes are magic too!
That is exactly what I was hoping the story of Lexi would do. Bring back imagination play, where what you already have becomes new and fun again if you just look at it in a different way.
Now for the upcoming week.
I don't have any readings booked. Let's face it, school is starting, so is harvest. Rural Saskatchewan is going to be very busy for the next little while.
I will take this time to touch base with all the stores carrying Lexi, and see how things are going there. I will also be looking into booking some readings at schools in the fall. I would also like to check into participating in some of the fall festival type things that will be going on all over the place. Plus, I'm really wanting to get "A Crazy Day" fine tuned and add the notes necessary to get it ready to send to Hazel.
Time to get ready for round Two!
Also this week, I need to finish prepping for the beach Volleyball Tournament fundraiser I'm DJing (is that a word?) on Saturday. It's going to be a blast!
I guess with work and all this other stuff, I should have enough to do, even without any readings, to keep me out of trouble. Well.... almost! lol
Until Next Time!
Oh, by the way, if anyone out there know of some ingenious, free way for me to advertise my website, please comment on this blog with your wisdom!
Places you can find "Lexi":
McNally Robinson Booksellers in Saskatoon
Our Drug Store in Unity
Tunes & Trinkets in Rosetown
Milbanke's (Both Locations) in North Battleford
Paisley & Polka Dots in North Battleford
Jacq'y Jaye's Gifts & Beyond in Outlook
Crandleberry's in North Battleford
Prairie Rose Floral and Gifts in Kindersley
and as always online @ www.margyreidbooks.net
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