Hello fellow travellers of the information highway!
Well, I started this week with every intention of doing exactly what I planned on doing. Checking in with stores, calling schools and working on "A Crazy Day." Hmmmm......What is it they say about the best layed plans?
Anyway, life kind of put a couple of speed bumps, detours and road blocks in my way this week. Long story short, not one thing on my "to do" list actually got done.
Oh wait, that's not absolutely correct. I did manage to finish up the prep to DJ the beach volleyball tournament. It went great! Raised a bunch of money to go toward our rink, everyone had a really good time, dancing, a few cocktails, oh yeah, and some pretty good volleyball too! lol
Normally, if things crop up, (and let's face it, stuff happens) I usually am able to just work them in to whatever else is happening, and get it all done. I guess, my frustration lies in the fact I wasn't able to do that this week, despite a valiant effort, if I do say so myself.
Oh well, it was only speed bumps, detours and road blocks, not avalanches, earth quakes and mud slides.
Moving On!
For This Week:
My plan is to do all of the things that I was going to do last week. Call stores, schools, work on "Crazy Day."
Then I'm going to follow up on a little tidbit of information from my niece. I don't want to say too much right now because I'm not even sure if it has a chance of turning into anything yet, but you know I will keep you posted. I will say this, it definitely has the potential to turn into something pretty awesome!
Before I go, I thought I would share with you a few of the life lessons I learned from some preschoolers this week.
1. Toddler + Febreeze + Laptop = NOT GOOD
2. A 2 year old WILL flush a cell phone down the toilet.
3. The turtle with the smiling face on the ride in the mall, is absolutely TERRIFYING!
4. If one 9 month old boy gets a little toooo close to another 9 month old boy, somebody's gonna lose an ear! (or almost anyway)
And last, but not least:
5. Energetic 2 year old boys, gold fish, and bunnies are never, ever to be left in a room alone!
Until Next Time!
Where to Find Lexi:
McNally Robinson Booksellers, Saskatoon
Milbanke's (Both Locations), North Battleford
Our Drug Store, Unity
Crandleberry's , North Battleford
Tunes & Trinkets, Rosetown
Paisley & Polkadots, North Battleford
Jacq'y Jaye's Gifts & Beyond, Outlook
Prairie Rose Floral and Gifts, Kindersley
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