I hope you've all had a great week.
On this end, this week didn't turn out as many results as I had hoped, but a pretty good week all the same.
As I mentioned last week, McNally had emailed me with a request for more books. That is a thrill that does not show any sign of getting old.

Well, when I went to drop off the books, I took the opportunity to check and see if "Lexi" was still hanging out with Robert Munsch. I'm definitely glad I did. Not only was the last copy they had in stock still in very good company, but they also have a little placard right on the shelf where she lives that says "Check Out Local Author, Margy Reid". I know it's probably silly getting so excited about such a small thing, but, I feel very honored to be the only author other than Robert Munsch in that whole section with a placard.
This falls under the category of " Things that a year ago, I never even dared to entertain the thought might remotely happen."
I still haven't heard from the Calgary Board of Education. I don't have a sniff on how long these things take, and I don't want to be a pain in their butt, but the curiosity is getting to me.
Work on a crazy day is coming along. I'm hoping to have it in Hazel's capable hands by Halloween.
I've checked out some trade shows in more detail, some are more expensive to do than others, which, of course, factors into the decision to do them or not. Other factors are timing, helper availability, etc. Do I have enough books? Will I sell enough to warrant ordering more ahead of time? All decisions that need to be made sooner than later.
So, that leads me to the upcoming week.
I need to make decisions about trade shows, fill out applications for said shows, make deposits, maybe order books, see who is available for when for helpers, etc.
I might also need to get in touch with Calgary, and see what's up there. Waiting, as you may know, is not one of my strongest qualities! lol
In closing, I would like to leave you with some random pearls of wisdom I was able to gather in the last seven days. (I'm sorry, but I simply can Not reveal my sources)lol
* Wearing expensive leather sandals after a torrential downpour is NEVER a good idea. No matter how cute they are!
* The world's problems can all be solved while waiting in line for highway construction.
* Opportunities that seem to be the least likely to be opportunities, most often end up being the biggest and best opportunities.
* We should try to wake up every morning and approach the day the same way a 5 year old does their first day of Kindergarten. With anticipation, excitement, courage, a wee bit of caution, and in awe of what may come!
With that, I will leave you until next week.
Where to find Lexi:
In all the wonderful stores listed in last weeks' blog
and, of course
(I know, lazy, right?) lol
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