Hello Folks!
Well, I did manage to knock a few things off of my "to do" list this week. They may not be giant things but stuff that needed doing all the same. I decided and committed to take part in the "Mistletoe Craft and Gift Show" in North Battleford on Nov. 6th and 7th.
It's going to be a lot of fun. My oldest daughter is going to come along, and to show that great minds do think alike, she and I had the simultaneous idea that she could dress as "Lexi" in one of the dress up outfits and work the crowd!
Now, it's a matter of figuring out which outfit would work best and easiest.
I'm also trying to come up with ideas to make my little booth at the show stand out among the hundreds there. Any ideas you might want to throw out there would be appreciated.
All in all, it will be a fun time spent with good friends and my daughter, if I actually sell some books too, that would be awesome!
That, folks brings me to the book ordering decision. I have no idea how many I might need. I'm doing a smaller show in Rosetown on Oct. 9th and then this big one in North Battleford. Plus I am selling books in smaller amounts here and there all the time. I need to figure something out pretty soon, as they do take three weeks from the time I order them until they are in my hands.
As far as other things I ticked off my list this week.... well, I broke down and emailed the Calgary Board of Education yesterday, (I told you I'm not really good at just waiting!)hopefully I'll get a reply very soon.
I also sent information packages to 3 big school divisions around here, hopefully they will want to book some readings. I get such a kick out of reading it to kids!
This week, my plan is to get business cards figured out and ordered. I was also thinking of printing some bookmarks? And, I'm wanting to put together some coloring books using the original "Lexi" sketches, to take to the trade shows.
With these trade shows, "Lexi" is again taking me places unfamiliar and a little intimidating. But, like all the other places she has led me, I'm sure goods things will come from it.
So, to you, the millions of my faithful blog readers (ok, may be a slight exaggeration), I bid you farewell for another week.
Until then......
May you sleep on air, soundly and sweet.
May your dreams take you to heaven, so your loved ones, you greet.
May you wake in the morning with excitement and fun.
May you carry that with you until the day's done.
Where to find Lexi:
McNally Robinson Booksellers Saskatoon
Milbankes Floral and Gifts (both locations) North Battleford
Crandleberry's North Battleford
Our Drug Store Unity
Paisley & Polka Dots North Battleford
Jacq'y Jaye's gifts & Beyond Outlook
Tunes and Trinkets Rosetown
Prairie Rose Floral & Gifts Kindersley
and of course
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