First off, I think it's only fair to tell you I'm writing this with very little sleep under my belt, so if it doesn't make sense, I apologize.
Ok, this past week.
Well, I'm really excited to tell you that I almost have all the coloured illustrations for "A Crazy Day" from Hazel! They look fantastic! It's going to be so cool to have book #2 in hand! I really didn't think I would get as worked up as I did with "Lexi", but I so am!
I'm haven't completed the layout yet, but am working on it. I'm just a bit undecided about a couple of things. I find this is the toughest part for me. It can be a little intimidating. I know it probably sounds dumb, but, this decides how this book is going to present itself to the world. I do my very best, try to make minimal mistakes, and once it's out there, I hope it comes across to people as the story and book as a whole, the way it's been living in my head! I've still got some time, though, all is good.
Also this past week, I was reminded once again why I simply love hanging out with kids. They are so sweet, adorable, funny, mischievous, destructive, and absolutely lovable! Ok, now I have to give a couple of examples, in case you don't believe me. lol
A five year old I know, within a five minute conversation, told me all about her new Calgary Klein underwear, and how she got to eat the chocolate from her Advil calendar early that day!
Then, a certain 2 year old I know (ok, my grandbaby), was heard explaining how drinking his milk helps with his flu symptoms! To top it off, later, his auntie was playing with him and was about to blow on his belly, when he pipes up with " Auntie please stop, that's inappropriate"
Yes, this is why I love hanging out with the munchkins of the world!
Now, for the upcoming week.
Well, I see layout work in my future along with some grocery shopping, more baking. (I'm almost done!), some baby snugglin', diaper changing, grandson playing, and more layout working. At the end of the week there will also be some heavy duty mom visiting.
You know, I look at my life, the way it is today, and everything that has brought me to these moments, and I am so incredibly thankful. I may live in a house with drafty windows, drive a car with a million miles on it, and have a bank account just a touch short of that million (lol). But, I'm doing what I love to do, I have an incredible husband, awesome kids, a genius grandson (ok, it hasn't been made official yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time!), a wise and strong mom, brothers and sisters that are second to none and great friends. It's a privileged life I lead, indeed.
Until Next Time,
May these last weeks before Christmas be richly dipped in hearty, belly laughter.
May all snippets of joy grow to completely fill, your happily ever after.
May the stockings get hung so carefully and sweetly, on that famed chimney with care.
May they be filled with lovely treasures and not boring old Calgary Klein underwear.
May you have your fill of eggnog and rum and maybe a sweet or two.
May you know when to say when, before your that girl dancing alone, With. One. Shoe.
Have a Good Week!
glad to finally be able to comment.
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lets see if this works