Well, as you can see from the above illustrations, I've started to receive some of the colours from Hazel! They look awesome! The more I see, the more excited I get to have the finished book in my hands.
Ok, as for the past week. My brother surprised me by showing up in Saskatoon for an impromptu lunch date on Tuesday. It was good to see him, needless to say a visit with my baby bro trumps a consult with the laser place, so I think I'm going to reschedule the appointment for early in the new year. There is just too much going on between now and New Year's to squeak it in. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes, in case any of you are thinking about doing it.
More baking is in the freezer, slowly but surely that will get done. I did make up a new cookie. Caramel Chocolate Cookies. All I will say is it involves cream cheese and Werther's caramel chocolates. If you would like the recipe throw me an email to that effect, and I'd be happy to send it. margy_mel@yahoo.ca .
I finally found out a bit more about the Sask Writers' Guild. I'm happy to announce that if you go onto their website and "Search Saskatchewan Writers", you will find me there. This way, it makes it way easier for schools and libraries to find me if they so choose.
Another kind of neat thing that happened, that I didn't know would, is that I received an email from the National government library archives. They want 2 copies of "Lexi's Magic Clothes." One to lend out and one for safe keeping. It's pretty cool to think that my great great grand kids will be able to find a copy, if they ever to decide to look up their grandma some day.
Now, for the upcoming week. Well needless to say there will be more baking involved, turkey buying, now that I have a head count, will happen. I also need to finish decorating my house. I don't have even half of the snowmen up that need to be put up! You see, it's kind of a running joke in our family about my snowmen. I have several, ok a couple of hundred, lol, of all shapes and sizes that are the heart of Christmas decorations in this house. My girls and my hubby tease me continually about it, but I know deep in their hearts they like them too!
Also, this week, Monday, after work I have a date with my 6 year old nephew. I'll be done work and he has no school that day. I can't say for sure, but I'm pretty certain that there will be some sort of Super Mario involved. Tuesday, my good dear friend is coming to town and we are going to meet up for some lunch and a little mall crawling. I'm looking very forward to it. Wednesday, I need to get those copies of "Lexi" off to the national library thing a ma jigger, and of course, baking!
Until Next Time!
May your Christmas tree go up without a fuss, without a bother.
May it fit without trimming it and never run out of water.
May you find all your decorations in tact, with nothing either broken or in disarray.
May you find them all, especially the ones the kids made out of glitter and paper mache.
May all the bulbs in the twenty foot string, glint with brilliant light.
May every delicate ball stay completely out of a busy toddler's sight.
May the eggnog flow, and the carols ring, to fill your home to the top with Christmas cheer.
May there be sleigh rides, snow ball fights, and hot chocolate, and maybe a glimpse of reindeer.
May you be grateful for those around you, that are here for that hug and that kiss.
May you look back fondly with a smile, not tears, on those, the ones we miss.
Okay, I'm going to try to post a comment....yet again. Maybe this one will post. Anyway, I always look forward to your blogs, especially the end "May you...."
ReplyDeleteDon't work too hard and I'll talk to you soon.
Yay!! It worked.