Thursday, November 8, 2018

Freedom By Any Other Name....


This weekend will mark a day in our Country that we have named "Remembrance Day." Other Countries have other names for it, but for all, it's an opportunity to take a day to honour those who sacrificed everything to afford us the freedoms we live every day to celebrate.


Defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants. The absence of subjection to foreign domination.

I would further define it as the power to determine our own fate, without the hindrance or suppression of others whilst not hindering or suppressing the fate of another.

In other words, I have the freedom to act, speak and think as I wish, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

Pretty basic stuff.

Why does something that should be so fundamental require such sacrifice to hold on to?

Why are people of colour still having to fight so hard for things that they should, at this point, be taking completely for granted? Things like having bar-b-ques, studying, driving, walking, voting, or standing in their living room.

Why are indigenous people still having to fight so hard to protect their culture? We came in, told them their culture made them savages and proceeded to force our way of thinking upon them. Then we have the audacity to wonder why generations of First Nations people struggle.

Why do we treat freedom as though it is a possession that should only live in the hands of a very lucky few? Why do we treat freedom as though it is a finite resource? As though if the proverbial "they" acquire more freedom, ours will somehow diminish.

As I'm writing this, I am listening to a sheriff in California answer questions about yet another mass shooting. Another person has justified his actions by convincing himself of the fact that his right and freedom to have and shoot a gun somehow trumps the right and freedom of those he shot at, wounded, and killed. Those who had and have the right and freedom to live unencumbered, the right and freedom to not be victimized. More people have been senselessly killed, more thoughts and prayers will be tossed around like paper towel after a hurricane, and likely, nothing substantial will happen to help prevent this from happening again next week.

Freedom isn't freedom when lived in fear.

Are these the freedoms our militaries have sacrificed their lives for? Are these the freedoms they continue to put their lives on the line for? How is this honouring their memories?

You can host a million ceremonies, have every pomp and circumstance, it means nothing if the freedoms they sacrificed for are they themselves sacrificed.

To determine our own fate without the hindrance or suppression of others whilst not hindering or suppressing the fate of another.

Pretty simple stuff.


For those who have fought tirelessly for our freedoms, for those who sacrificed the beat of your own heart so ours can carry on, my hope is that we will eventually honour you in a way that really matters.

We have to do better at proving ourselves worthy of your sacrifice.


Until next time...

May we, this time, take real action to prove we deserve your sacrifice.
May the missed hugs and kisses not be in vain, for our freedom you've paid the ultimate price.

May this go far beyond the well-intentioned, feckless thoughts and prayers.
May this be the one that effects change, be the last one, the buck stops at the biggest chair.


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