Saturday, April 27, 2019

Things May Be Larger Than They Appear...


Things may be larger than they appear. 

Sometimes, in life, the struggles, problems, and stressors can seem bigger than they really are. In the midst of turmoil, things can feel overwhelming, all-encompassing, suffocatingly claustrophobic, endless. It can feel like you are climbing the sheer side of a mountain, the path infinitely laden with shards of burning glass.

It can feel next to impossible to overcome. It's in the moment when things seem the worst, when we are holding on to the last frayed thread of our proverbial ropes, when are on the verge of giving up, that we just can't.

We can't let what knocks us down define our lives. Our hardships are not our life. Our hardships are not who we are, they are just what we go through. A corridor to better things.

With time, comes perspective. With perspective, comes clarity. With clarity, comes wisdom. With wisdom comes peace.

Once some time has passed, we can look back, acknowledge the hardship, and if we let it happen, give ourselves some props for making it through. Once some time has passed, we look back, and most times, recognize the lessons provided from making it through. Once some time has passed, we can look back, and most often can identify the root of what caused the issue to begin with, pull that weed and burn it. We gain perspective.

With perspective, we discover that the monster we felt would eat us wasn't nearly as powerful as we first thought. With perspective, we discover we were the ones with the power all along. With perspective comes clarity.

With clarity, we can nod to our past, and bring into focus where we want to go from here. With clarity, we gain a clearer understanding of who we are and what we are made of. With clarity comes wisdom.

With wisdom, we gain the tools we need to move forward in the best possible way. We gain the ability to see further down the path, to recognize any poisonous plants or sinkholes that may be there and the ability to avoid, at least, most of them. With wisdom comes peace.

With peace we find joy. With peace, we can breathe. With peace, we find contentment. With peace, we are able to just be.

Life is never perfect, but it's never all bad either. It would be nice if problems took turns to slap you upside the head like the bad guys in a Bruce Lee fight scene. But they don't.

All any of us can do is our best. We do our best to weed out the poison people, we do our best to give our best to those we love. We do our best to live a life we can be proud of. We do our best.

That about does it for now....


May you take some time to gain perspective, some clarity, some wisdom, some peace.
May you let yourself feel the pride, well deserved for getting through, you are a masterpiece.

May you see that all any of us can do is our best, and yes, your best is good enough.
May you see what a miracle you are, you are everything gentle, yet all kinds of tough.


Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Sun Still Rises, Shining On Us All...


First, I can't ignore the puffy orange elephant in the tiny tiny room.

I'm confused.

Either the Mueller report exonerates you or it's total bullshit. It can't be both.

I'm just a person, but in reading the report, here is my take.

Incompetence at trying to perform, at worst illegal, at best, shady as hell, acts is not equivalent to innocence.

Staying just this side of being prosecutable should not be the goal. Should it?

I will be very interested to hear what Mr. Mueller himself has to say. In his own words.

Truth is stubborn and persistent. It is not shy. It demands recognition. It always comes out to play in the light. You can't hide from it, it finds you, no matter where you live, whether it's a golden palace or a tent.

Truth is always hardest to accept when it goes against expectation. That doesn't make it any less of a truth.

Truth can be tough to hear, tougher to process, but always, an inevitable relief.


In other news...

The sun still rises, shining on us all, no matter how, and if we vote. The sun still sets, and those who are fortunate, sleep.

Light and dark live in all of us, feed most, that which you want to grow.

There are people walking this planet with good intentions, there are those who don't. Sometimes it's hard to tell them apart. Sometimes, it's as clear as it can possibly be.

We are all figuring things out as we go, all of us.

Few things never change. Babies being cute, oceans being deep, poop rolling downhill.

Other things hate change but do it anyway, oftentimes against our will. Opinions, perspective, our ability to recover from a night out.


That about does it for now, life is supposed to be fun. Not perfect, but fun. Enjoy!

May you allow the truth, whatever it is, to move your perspective, change your view.
May you see some things are not up for debate, they are facts, they are what is true.

May we accept what is, not what we wish would be.
May the blinders be lifted, allowing all to see.

May we embrace reality, even if it's uncomfortable, even if it hurts.
May we take it in and move on, living in a gaslit bubble of lies will always be is worse.

Now, back to work...


Thursday, April 11, 2019

You Can Only Fix Ignorant If Stupid Doesn't Get In The Way...


We walk through life, most of the time, quickly, frequently distracted and often, while sporting blinders.

Yes, we try to keep up with current events, with what the Kardashians ate for breakfast, the latest political drama, and the Joneses.

Yes, we do our best to meet deadlines, goals, and, if we choose, that special someone.

Yes to all of the above, and good on us for doing so.

Even in knowing this, that the collective "we" are always trying, it doesn't stop me from wondering, at times, what the hell is wrong with some people.

Those who know me, or read these ramblings on a regular basis know I am all about everyone living the life that makes them shine, whatever that is. With one caveat, never hurt on purpose.

We, as the human imperfection we are, cause enough pain without intentionally doing so. To do so on purpose, with that specific goal in mind, sorry, but that is just messed up.

We see it all the time in the news, in workplaces, in schools, on playgrounds, walking down the street. Little bullies tend to become big bullies, the platform is the only thing that changes.

Here's to you, those who intentionally inflict harm.

It is highly likely that something in your childhood helped create this need to hurt. You may not do it physically often, or if at all. You may inflict it upon those who love you or on perfectly imperfect strangers, or both. You may use this as a coping mechanism to fight off your inner demons. You may think it makes you a comic god in front of your friends.

Whatever justification you want to give it. Think. Let yourself care for a minute, or at least pretend to.

What exactly is your end goal with this? Where does treating people like garbage lead you? How can creating misery possibly make your life any better? Make me understand the thinking behind this, if any exists. Help me see.

What is the purpose of calling people horrible names out of the window of a moving car, and throwing things at them?

What is the reason for commenting negatively on someone's appearance/orientation/haircut/gender?

What is the end goal of making people feel "less than" for whatever reason?

If this is how you choose to walk through life, help me to understand.

Living through trauma is not a license to treat people like crap with no consequence. Living through trauma does not mean you get a pass. Living through trauma doesn't mean you have to continually recreate it.

For those who are hit by the shards...

The garbage spewers deserve absolutely none of your energy, none of your time, zero space in your soul.

If they know you, profess to love you, yet make you feel "less than" in any way, you can't fix that, you can't fix them. And don't kid yourself, all of that crap, all of it, is 100% them.  All you can do is make the decision not to take it.

If they don't know you. If they want to yell from moving vehicles, if they want to be keyboard cowards, let it go. Do you. The best revenge is to live life well and be happy. Let it go. The cold never bothered you anyway.

You can't force anyone to understand facts. You can't force anyone to be decent. You can't force anyone to be kind. You can't force anyone to show respect.

You can only fix ignorant if stupid doesn't get in the way.

If you are inflicting this crap. Stop it.
If you are having this crap inflicted upon you. Reject it.
If you are a witness to this crap. Stomp it.


Until next time...

May you find a million reasons to smile, a thousand to laugh, and not even one to cry.
May you keep stepping, doing your best, never letting anyone steal your fire to try.

May you be your own hero, your own cheerleader, whenever you feel alone.
May you remember you are a warrior, a queen, never relinquish your throne.

May you know that those who truly love you will never want to hold you down.
May you remember you are a hero, a queen, never relinquish your crown.

May you remember no one can take your power, it only becomes theirs if you surrender.
May you know, really know, you were made to shine, in all your glory, all your splendor.


Friday, April 5, 2019

The Underbelly Of A Dream...


My hubby and I are proud and satisfied with the life we've built. Over the years, we've spent a lot of time using our work ethic to create success for others. We worked hard, were loyal, and sacrificed for a wage. A wage determined by others. Our fate and success dependent upon the decisions of others.

I truly believe that life has a way of leading you to where you are supposed to be. Every experience, every job, every proverbial kick in the teeth we've had has led us here.

Years ago we would whisper into the night how nice it would be to be our own bosses, masters of our own fate. Daring to dream, even if it wasn't out loud. Realistically, we had four young kids, we couldn't gamble on a dream, not yet.

Whenever we have come to a crossroads, whenever big life decisions have come into play, we have always weighed out pros and cons. Measuring best-case and worst-case. Then we ask ourselves, "Could we live with the worst-case scenario?" What's the worst that can possibly happen, and could we handle that? If the answer is yes, there is no real reason not to do it.

Once that decision is made, the only thing standing between a whispered dream and reality is hard work.

Dreams, as they come to fruition, mature and evolve, and can lead to places you hadn't dared imagine.

But, beneath the sunshine and rainbows lives the underbelly.

To have that coveted independence, we need to wade through the bookkeeping, the reports, the budgets, the lean times, not to mention run the day to day that actually gets us paid.

To have that independence, we have to rehearse, create playlists, load and unload heavy equipment, and work to ensure everyone in attendance at the show has a great time.

To have that independence, I need to create stories and put them together in such a way that people may actually want to spend their hard earned money to read them.

The underbelly of a dream can be dark, difficult and exhausting. Is it worth it? For us, absolutely.

We love putting smiles on the faces of our customers at the shop. Whether it be breathing new life into an older camper,  helping out with issues in something brand new, or turning the perceived disaster of a last-minute malfunction into something manageable. To help take away their worries so they can sit around the campfire in peace. Really enjoy.

We love being part of the celebrations wherein we bring the music. The weddings, reunions, anniversaries, dances, and karaoke shows where everyone gets to be a rock star for a night. To play even a small part in these milestones, big and small, is nothing short of awesome.

I love to write. Does that mean it's always easy? Nope. But, absolutely worth it. This dream, in particular, has evolved into something I couldn't have predicted. People seek out, buy and read words I put to the page. Even nine years in, it blows my mind. The fact that that's an actual real thing thrills me, tickles me, and humbles me to the point of tears every time I allow myself into that space.

Whisper your dreams, but not forever. Don't fear the underbelly, work it. If you can handle worst-case, make it happen.


That about does it, for now, time to get ready for the weekend...

After we close the shop this afternoon...

This afternoon: Set up for karaoke show and do sound check 3:pm - 5:30pm (Loaded car last night)

Change clothes at shop and grab something to eat. Rest. 5:30pm- 8:30pm

Tonight: Karaoke show 9:00pm to 1:00am

Pack car with tradeshow gear hit the road 6:30am-7:45am

Tomorrow: Tradeshow, selling and signing books 9:00 am- 3:30pm

Come home unload tradeshow gear, rest, grab a bite, leave for show 4:30pm-8:00pm

Tomorrow night: Karaoke show 9pm-1:00am

Tomorrow night: Pack up equipment- load up and head home 1:00am 2:30am

Sunday: SLEEP... unload car.

The underbelly of a dream. Worth it.


May the whispers of your dream, someday, gain full voice.
May it become palpable, the path to it, a well lit and clear choice.

May the fear of the underbelly not rob you of what can be.
May you find the fortitude to make it happen, whatever your "it" may be.

May you weigh what you want against what you are willing to sacrifice to make it so.
May you, when you do, accept that this is the true value you are assigning to your dream, make it happen, or let it go.

May you see that letting go doesn't have to be forever, revisit it later, it may be worth more to you in time.
Maybe it will look different, be different, maybe you will barely recognize it in the shape it has shifted into, and that's fine.

May you see that not all dreams have to do with career, money, or fame.
May you understand that whatever your dream, it's yours, yours to chase yours to tame.
