Saturday, April 27, 2019

Things May Be Larger Than They Appear...


Things may be larger than they appear. 

Sometimes, in life, the struggles, problems, and stressors can seem bigger than they really are. In the midst of turmoil, things can feel overwhelming, all-encompassing, suffocatingly claustrophobic, endless. It can feel like you are climbing the sheer side of a mountain, the path infinitely laden with shards of burning glass.

It can feel next to impossible to overcome. It's in the moment when things seem the worst, when we are holding on to the last frayed thread of our proverbial ropes, when are on the verge of giving up, that we just can't.

We can't let what knocks us down define our lives. Our hardships are not our life. Our hardships are not who we are, they are just what we go through. A corridor to better things.

With time, comes perspective. With perspective, comes clarity. With clarity, comes wisdom. With wisdom comes peace.

Once some time has passed, we can look back, acknowledge the hardship, and if we let it happen, give ourselves some props for making it through. Once some time has passed, we look back, and most times, recognize the lessons provided from making it through. Once some time has passed, we can look back, and most often can identify the root of what caused the issue to begin with, pull that weed and burn it. We gain perspective.

With perspective, we discover that the monster we felt would eat us wasn't nearly as powerful as we first thought. With perspective, we discover we were the ones with the power all along. With perspective comes clarity.

With clarity, we can nod to our past, and bring into focus where we want to go from here. With clarity, we gain a clearer understanding of who we are and what we are made of. With clarity comes wisdom.

With wisdom, we gain the tools we need to move forward in the best possible way. We gain the ability to see further down the path, to recognize any poisonous plants or sinkholes that may be there and the ability to avoid, at least, most of them. With wisdom comes peace.

With peace we find joy. With peace, we can breathe. With peace, we find contentment. With peace, we are able to just be.

Life is never perfect, but it's never all bad either. It would be nice if problems took turns to slap you upside the head like the bad guys in a Bruce Lee fight scene. But they don't.

All any of us can do is our best. We do our best to weed out the poison people, we do our best to give our best to those we love. We do our best to live a life we can be proud of. We do our best.

That about does it for now....


May you take some time to gain perspective, some clarity, some wisdom, some peace.
May you let yourself feel the pride, well deserved for getting through, you are a masterpiece.

May you see that all any of us can do is our best, and yes, your best is good enough.
May you see what a miracle you are, you are everything gentle, yet all kinds of tough.


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