Friday, April 5, 2019

The Underbelly Of A Dream...


My hubby and I are proud and satisfied with the life we've built. Over the years, we've spent a lot of time using our work ethic to create success for others. We worked hard, were loyal, and sacrificed for a wage. A wage determined by others. Our fate and success dependent upon the decisions of others.

I truly believe that life has a way of leading you to where you are supposed to be. Every experience, every job, every proverbial kick in the teeth we've had has led us here.

Years ago we would whisper into the night how nice it would be to be our own bosses, masters of our own fate. Daring to dream, even if it wasn't out loud. Realistically, we had four young kids, we couldn't gamble on a dream, not yet.

Whenever we have come to a crossroads, whenever big life decisions have come into play, we have always weighed out pros and cons. Measuring best-case and worst-case. Then we ask ourselves, "Could we live with the worst-case scenario?" What's the worst that can possibly happen, and could we handle that? If the answer is yes, there is no real reason not to do it.

Once that decision is made, the only thing standing between a whispered dream and reality is hard work.

Dreams, as they come to fruition, mature and evolve, and can lead to places you hadn't dared imagine.

But, beneath the sunshine and rainbows lives the underbelly.

To have that coveted independence, we need to wade through the bookkeeping, the reports, the budgets, the lean times, not to mention run the day to day that actually gets us paid.

To have that independence, we have to rehearse, create playlists, load and unload heavy equipment, and work to ensure everyone in attendance at the show has a great time.

To have that independence, I need to create stories and put them together in such a way that people may actually want to spend their hard earned money to read them.

The underbelly of a dream can be dark, difficult and exhausting. Is it worth it? For us, absolutely.

We love putting smiles on the faces of our customers at the shop. Whether it be breathing new life into an older camper,  helping out with issues in something brand new, or turning the perceived disaster of a last-minute malfunction into something manageable. To help take away their worries so they can sit around the campfire in peace. Really enjoy.

We love being part of the celebrations wherein we bring the music. The weddings, reunions, anniversaries, dances, and karaoke shows where everyone gets to be a rock star for a night. To play even a small part in these milestones, big and small, is nothing short of awesome.

I love to write. Does that mean it's always easy? Nope. But, absolutely worth it. This dream, in particular, has evolved into something I couldn't have predicted. People seek out, buy and read words I put to the page. Even nine years in, it blows my mind. The fact that that's an actual real thing thrills me, tickles me, and humbles me to the point of tears every time I allow myself into that space.

Whisper your dreams, but not forever. Don't fear the underbelly, work it. If you can handle worst-case, make it happen.


That about does it, for now, time to get ready for the weekend...

After we close the shop this afternoon...

This afternoon: Set up for karaoke show and do sound check 3:pm - 5:30pm (Loaded car last night)

Change clothes at shop and grab something to eat. Rest. 5:30pm- 8:30pm

Tonight: Karaoke show 9:00pm to 1:00am

Pack car with tradeshow gear hit the road 6:30am-7:45am

Tomorrow: Tradeshow, selling and signing books 9:00 am- 3:30pm

Come home unload tradeshow gear, rest, grab a bite, leave for show 4:30pm-8:00pm

Tomorrow night: Karaoke show 9pm-1:00am

Tomorrow night: Pack up equipment- load up and head home 1:00am 2:30am

Sunday: SLEEP... unload car.

The underbelly of a dream. Worth it.


May the whispers of your dream, someday, gain full voice.
May it become palpable, the path to it, a well lit and clear choice.

May the fear of the underbelly not rob you of what can be.
May you find the fortitude to make it happen, whatever your "it" may be.

May you weigh what you want against what you are willing to sacrifice to make it so.
May you, when you do, accept that this is the true value you are assigning to your dream, make it happen, or let it go.

May you see that letting go doesn't have to be forever, revisit it later, it may be worth more to you in time.
Maybe it will look different, be different, maybe you will barely recognize it in the shape it has shifted into, and that's fine.

May you see that not all dreams have to do with career, money, or fame.
May you understand that whatever your dream, it's yours, yours to chase yours to tame.


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