Not for one moment will I pretend to understand.
I walk this earth living in the skin of my white privilege, an earth wherein I need not beg to breathe.
This earth is largely beautiful, its people, for the most part, kind. But there are pieces that remain upside down.
We like to feed ourselves the delusion that all of the racist ugliness is in the past, part of a dark history, a history that has filled books and movie screens for decades.
The truth is, if you don't have to live it every day, it's easier to pretend.
As we watch the streets of America burn, we have to realize that systemic racism isn't theirs alone.
It's something that slithers through the streets of our cities, our small towns, our parks, our schools.
Most often, it's subtle, but sometimes it's put in front of us making it impossible to turn away.
To walk in white privilege is one thing. To weaponize it is another.
When you call the police for no real reason. When you flex your privilege, wielding falsehoods with the sole intent of provoking harm. When you admonish people for speaking in a language other than your own. When you treat one person differently than another based on the colour of their skin, their ethnicity, their accent, their religion, their culture, you are part of the upside-down.
Those who live with the knee on their throats need the help of the privileged.
It's no longer enough to simply not be racist. That is not even close to being enough. Truthfully, it never has been, but it's easy to become complacent when you can take unhindered breaths.
We need to constantly and consistently call it out. Step in. Witness it in full voice. Film it. Post it. Shame it. Shine an unrelenting light to obliterate the shadows in which it festers.
A knee was placed to the floor in silent, respectful protest. A plea to breathe. It was not only ignored, but punished. A knee was then placed on the neck of an innocent man... again. Now, fires rage. A boiling point.
The black and white history, the images of Rosa Parks, the March on the Bridge, the freedom riders, and Doctor King become full colour, once again.
The wars for civil rights and equality are not wars. Wars have a beginning and an end. This needs to be a complete and absolute systemic shift.
Whenever a segment of society, any segment, is diminished in any capacity, it brings all of us down. A hole in the soul of humanity.
Apologies are empty if actions remain unchanged. There have been more than enough empty apologies. False contritions. Fruitless outrage. Thoughts and prayers.
Real change must come. Deep change beyond the superficial. We need to begin to heal the wounds not just cover them with makeup. The scars will remain to remind us of history not worth repeating.
Even, in the midst of all of this, the virus marches on. It cares not at all what else is going on. We need to remain vigilant. It doesn't take notice of our ignorances, our prejudices, our economic struggles, our frivolous desires. This virus marches on.
May you know I am listening, I hear you, tell me how to help, I'm willing.
May we come together to find a way to stop the prejudice, stop the killing.
May true justice happen, accountability for every set of eyes that stood by and watched this heinous tragedy unfold.
May this, after too many times, after countless soul-crushing times, finally be the last time, the last body left cold.
May we get to the place in Dr. King's dream.
May we bring it closer than it right now seems.
Check it out!

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