For whatever reason, perfectly intelligent people continue to believe and follow the orange windbag that currently inhabits the Whitehouse.
He drops hints, and they amplify them through actions.
His followers have an innate ability to ignore, justify, or straight-up deny horrible things he's done regardless of the consequences. From the Access Hollywood tape to babies in cages, to the facts that came out during impeachment, to his complete bungling of this pandemic.
If it wasn't so scary, it would be fascinating.
What is even scarier, is the fact that his idiocy seems to bleed into other countries.
Hell, even here in Canada, we had a guy saying that the recent assault weapon ban, is denying him his "2nd Amendment Rights."
Okay, first of all, in Canada we have the "Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms," the '2nd amendment' this guy is talking about, the 'right to bear arms' thing, is American.
He hints to his "good people' that their local leaders should 'just open up' defying logic and science, and the next thing you know, there are people protesting for their freedom, which apparently is the freedom to get sick and infect others as well. I get that financially, this virus is creating chaos, trust me, as a small business owner myself, I more than get it. But, jump the gun, and we'll be back to square one... or worse.
This nonsense has also bled across the border.
South of the border, financial support for those hit by this thing seems to run from threadbare to non-existent, creating desperation.
Here, I just don't get it. Safety nets have been thrown far and wide. They don't catch all, including my hubby and I, but they catch most.
So, here in Canada, what are you protesting against, exactly? Your right to get your nails done, and a hair cut? Your right to drink on the patio of your favourite pub?
There are still outbreaks happening. Who of your loved ones are you willing to sacrifice to get that beer? Even if it didn't mean that they died, but just got to ride a respirator for a few days, who are you willing to have that happen to?
There are those calling the safety measures 'communism'. For crying out loud, just look it up.
Even if it was close to the same thing, what is driving the safety measures is completely different.
So, can we just take a breath? Please?
The closings are not forever. Another difference compared to communism, by the way. Here, where I live, we are beginning to take cautious baby steps in the direction of opening up.
It's going to be happening slowly and methodically, monitoring through each stage, with the acknowledgment that we may have to take steps back along the way.
But, it's happening.
Researchers are working around the clock and around the world on treatments and, ultimately, a vaccine.
The world has never seen this before. The closest thing was the Spanish flu a century ago.
Technologically, of course, we are leaps and bounds ahead of where we were. We are learning more about this virus every day. The more we know, the closer we get to killing it. To know more, we need to test more. Period. Test for the virus, retest for the virus, and test for antibodies in people who have recovered, and even in those who haven't.
It's how the world eradicated polio, smallpox, and countless other diseases. It'll be how we get rid of Covid-19 as well.
There is nothing anybody can do about the guy south of the 49th, at least until November. Until then, the citizens of the United States are a captive audience, the unfortunate recipients of his nonstop, deceptive fodder.
We have to do our best as to not let him poison the entire planet with his love for conspiracy theories and hate for truth.
He sees the world as black and white. Us against them. He loves to pit people against each other using race, culture, religion, whatever he can to create a divide.
Don't let the idiocy bleed.
Until next time...
May you be willing to look beyond the black and white to embrace the rainbow that is waiting on the other side of this storm.
May you be willing to see that those truly fighting for humanity have their heads down, working the science, hearts heavy, fingers worn.
May you see beyond your doorstop and understand the enormous impact of your choices.
May you see the value in not letting bellowed, intentional falsehoods drive your voices.
May we all see that a new and different normal can be a positive thing.
May we embrace this opportunity to take a deeper look at what's really important, and let that sing.
![Once Broken by [Margy Reid]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41x0FgrjdFL._SX260_.jpg)
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