Friday, December 18, 2020

Find Your Snowmen...



This Holiday season is going to be one for the history books. This Holiday season is unlike any we have ever experienced. It's going to be tough, it's going to be stressful, things are going to be downright weird. 

I know, I'm kinda beating a dead horse here, but we are where we are, and it is what it is.

Holiday cheer is a little harder to muster this year. Beyond the pandemic, there are those struggling with illnesses and hardships that have nothing to do with it. There are those struggling with money problems, joblessness, homelessness, loneliness... life.

So, those of us who can, should.

It doesn't have to be a lot. I know, dead horse, but even the smallest of gestures can help flip someone's Holiday right side up. Just like that.

A smile

A donation to a food bank.

A tray of goodies delivered to a care home or a neighbour.

A donation of winter coats to a homeless shelter.

You get it.

Those of us who can, should.

Okay, off the soapbox. Time for the happy.

So, snowmen.

This year, they made their migration from the basement a bit early, around the middle of November. The 125+ of them are sprinkled all over the house. There are big ones, small ones, ones that live within snow globes and music boxes, ones that dance borderline inappropriately. ones that hang out all soft, squishy, and cuddly on the couch.

We needed them. I say we because, even though my hubby may not be the first to admit it, but they bring joy, they make us smile. And, hey, we need joy, now more than ever. 

So, this year among all of the craziness, make your joy. Dive into it, enjoy it, wrap yourself in it. It's okay to play games, to giggle, to have fun. It's not only allowed, it's necessary. Find your snowmen.


Sorry to write and run, but I need to finish up my treat trays, and get them ready for delivery!


May you savor every giggle, embrace every joyful moment, every roll of the game board dice.                May you allow yourself to be swallowed by the happy, it's okay, feel it, don't put your happy on ice.

May you find a way to create some fun, even if it's not on the tip of your tongue.                                      May you create a way to connect with those you hold most dear, those special someones.


Until next time.... Find your snowmen and Enjoy!!!

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