Friday, January 22, 2021

Sane, Coherent, Boring Even... I'm Here For It!

                                 (Photos pulled from social media, not sure who to credit)


So a new President and Vice President were sworn in.

No talk of American carnage, no talk of evil caravans, acknowledgment of the gravity of the virus, and those who have been lost to it.

The complete lack of crazy was absolutely refreshing, and I can't help but look forward to much more of the same.

The new press secretary in the briefing room, engaging, answering questions without being ridiculously defensive. Just answering them. If she doesn't know, she says so. If she had the information, she shared it. 

No drama. Awesome.

The press allowed to do their job. Ask questions, get clarification, ask follow-up questions. Weird.

I'm looking forward to the boring almost as much as I'm looking forward to watching justice play out. Justice, Karma's BFF.

The only guarantee, moving forward, is that there will be debates about policies, there will be debates about how and if those policies should be executed. But, that, my friends, is democracy. 

It's just nice to know, as a close neighbour and friend, that the person at the Resolute desk has the capacity for empathy, a kind heart, and is willing to listen to others' perspectives. It's easier to breathe knowing that the person with the nuclear codes is not subject to temper tantrums and faulty impulse control. 

It will be interesting to see how the next four years play out. It will be so nice to witness slow news days. Days where the crazy things that happen don't always have the Whitehouse as a point of origin. 

Goodbye cofefe. Goodbye enemies list. Goodbye hate-speech. Goodbye to fuelling conspiracy theories. Goodbye to the incessant, dangerous lying. Goodbye to vicious, intentional, cruelty. Goodbye Cheeto-in-Chief. Goodbye to your spawn. You won't be missed. 

Now, with a full breath, one filled with hope, promise, and, for the first time in a long time, optimism for our neighbours to the south, we step into 2021. For real this time.

We need a do-over, for the beginning of this year has been, in a word, horrible. 



May you once again feel the sun on your face, may you run free.

May you smell every flower along the way, climb every tree.

May peace find you, meet you, greet you, embrace you, keep you.

May you rest, knowing our lives were all brighter because of you.


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