These photos were taken in April of 2020... when the pandemic was just a baby.
Each country was in charge of parenting their own pandemic. For argument's sake, I'm gonna call it "Pandy". In the beginning, each parent needed to get to know Pandy and develop strategies on how to handle it. Some were strict from the start, establishing and enforcing clear boundaries. Some neglected it, pretending Pandy could parent itself. The rest fell somewhere in between.
Pandy went through toddlerdom, throwing tantrums, smashing everything that got in its path. It destroyed lives, devastated economies, and planted tiny legos in the toes of every boot of mental health. It would take naps under supervision, but the second any parent turned their back it would run rampant through the aisles causing chaos in every way possible.
Then puberty hit. It exhausted every parent with its constant pushing of boundaries, sneaking out, going where it shouldn't, demanding independence and freedom. It started hanging out with rough crowds who let it do whatever it wanted. Pandy started running away. Often. Parents found it even harder to keep track of Pandy, her new 'friends', where they were going, and what they were doing. The parents became exhausted, even the friends became wary, the only one who wasn't tired was Pandy.
You see, Pandy doesn't know or care or even register the swath of destruction it creates. It's just being Pandy. Incapable of being anything else. Some parents along the way tried pretending that Pandy wasn't Pandy, but a myth. That Pandy wasn't Pandy, but a softer, gentler, sweeter creature who couldn't hurt you, at least not badly. But, alas Pandy was, indeed Pandy, through and through.
As Pandy matured, they began to slow down. All of the parents were becoming smarter, having had time to develop an understanding of Pandy, finding more ways of keeping it from hurting people, at least fatally.
As we look forward to Spring, as the temperatures rise, as the trees bud, and flowers bloom, Pandy is reaching the end of the line, soon to join their cohorts, Polio, Small Pox, and many others.
Once Pandy is ushered into the land of Past History Horrors, we will finally be able to take a full breath.
Imagine a world where we can once again hug people. A world where we can gather, and cheer, eat, drink and be merry. Imagine being able to see people, go places, and do things without worrying about getting anyone sick.
Imagine. We are almost there. It's only a vaccine away.
If enough of us get vaccinated we can put this whole thing in the rearview mirror.
Bye Pandy. It's been shitty knowing ya, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
So another thing...
I just don't get it.
Okay, another week has gone by and the United States has yet another mass shooting making international headlines.
It's gotten to the point where soon it will be much harder to vote in the States than it is to buy a gun.
I keep hearing references comparing guns to cars. Comparing shooters to drunk drivers. Blah Blah freakin' Blah
You have to have a license to drive a car. You have to keep it up to date. You have a driving record that tracks how safe you drive. It's called a driving abstract. You have to register and insure a car. There are all kinds of restrictions regarding cars like seat belts, speed limits, where you can and can't park your car. Everything you do with and in a car involves safety parameters. There are emissions regulations, cars capable of speeds in excess of what is safe for public roads are only driven by experts. Cars were not created, designed, or invented as a tool to kill. That is literally and absolutely the only reason guns exist.
It's an idiotic comparison.
The ideology that more guns will somehow lessen death by gun is insane.
Just look beyond your borders, America, you might have to put your head out of your butt for a second, but do yourself that favour and just take a look around you.
Of course, I know it's not ALL Americans. It's not even MOST of Americans. It's not even CLOSE to MOST of Americans, but for the gun-obsessed few, the ones that seem to have a vice grip on the balls of legislators, it's time you come to grips with the fact that these military guns you fetish about have been the killing tools of choice in killing your neighbours, parents, kids, wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, and friends.
No, they don't do it by themselves. They need humans to pull the trigger. But maybe, just maybe if it had been just a bit harder for that human to buy that gun, maybe if they had needed a license to own it, maybe if they had to prove they were responsible enough to own it, stable enough to use it. Maybe if he, if they, hadn't been able to buy a gun that is capable of spewing high caliber bullets at the speed of light. Maybe, just maybe people that weren't dead two weeks ago would still be here. Maybe they would be home with their families right now, or at work, or walking their dogs, or giving manicures, or buying groceries.
Just maybe...
One last thing...
"Not all men" just stop it already.
Not all dogs bite... but they can.
Not all bears will slice you to bits...but they might.
The mix of toxicity and fragility in the messages of the over-defensive males is breathtaking.
Real men will be able to look back at past behaviors and see them through a new lens. A much clearer one. One that shows a different point of view.
Real men will genuinely want to gain understanding.
Real men will call out others, even amidst a group of bros and a few beer.
Real men aren't threatened at the thought of equality.
Real men are happy to rid themselves of every sense of entitlement to a woman's time, conversation, smile, or body.
Be real.
Until next time...
May we all get to a place of more trust, a place of more peace, a place of more kindness, a place of humanity.
May we become more trustworthy, peaceful, kind, and humane, better for having gone through this insanity.
May we strive to create joy, build memories and construct moments we will one day look back upon and cherish.
May we once again hang out, break bread, and play some smack-talking backyard games that are always oh so fair-ish.
May we go back to living our lives out loud, piecing back together what was left in shatters
May we go forward living life better, brighter, with a true understanding now, of what really matters.
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